I’m two months into my day job hiatus and it’s been going great. I’ve actually started writing for a few other sites in addition to starting another blog and made some decent money along the way. Big news though, I actually accepted a job offer last week and I’ll be going back to work on November 1st. I’m definitely excited to start working full time again since it’s for a really great company in the area but I’m also bummed to have to cut back on my writing and online entrepreneurial activities. Either way, I’m going to be doing a ton of work over the next 5 weeks before I head back to work so stay tuned.
This week I’m hosting the Carnival of Retirement. There are some really great articles below and I’ve highlighted a few of my favorites in the Editor’s Picks section. Take a look and let me know which one was your favorite in the comments below.
Editor’s Picks:
Cat Alford @ Budget Blonde writes How To Get Your Wedding Sponsored & Save Lots of Money – If you can’t afford your dream wedding, get your wedding sponsored! Here are a several tips on how to accomplish just that!
Roger Wohlner @ The Chicago Financial Planner writes 5 Reasons to Consider a Solo 401(k) – As we move closer to the end of the year those of you who are self-employed should be thinking about starting a retirement plan for yourself if you don’t have one in place already. There are a number of options available; here are 5 reasons to consider opening a Solo 401(k).
krantcents @ KrantCents writes Success Is What Is Accomplished! – So much has been written about success! How to be more effective, productive and successful usually starts with a list of ten (10), fifteen (15) or as many as twenty-five (25) traits, steps, or tips to become successful. With so many books, articles and stories, you would think there would be more successful people.
Robert @ The College Investor writes General Electric: A Juggernaut Under Transformation – General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) is one of the world’s largest industrial conglomerates. The company is well-positioned in the market. But its stock has substantially under-performed its peers over the past decade. Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE: HON) shares have risen 183% over the past 10 years and is profiting from the climate change market.
Christopher @ This That and The MBA writes Setting Up Your Home Business – It’s no surprise that in such situation home businesses are flourishing: 23 percent of the country’s businesses are now home-based, according to data from the Federation of Small Businesses. Rather than looking for a job that doesn’t seem to be there, many people have resorted to going it alone.
John S @ Frugal Rules writes When it Comes to Investing, Be the One Who Dives in Head First – Many allow fear to hold them back when it comes to investing in the stock market. However, if you give yourself some practical lessons you can put yourself in better standing to build a retirement portfolio and begin to grow your wealth.
Bill Achola @ Modest Money writes 7 Golden Tips To Help You Save For Retirement On A Small Income – Before you opt for retirement, you need to come up with a comfortable retirement plan that will sustain your life span. In this context we’ll discuss steps and tips that will help you create a bright future for your life.
Mr.CBB @ Canadian Budget Binder writes How to kung fu your way out of money manipulation – If you don’t know how to say no or if you are too nice you might be the perfect candidate to become manipulated by kids and even adults when it comes to money.Learn how to protect yourself and ways to improve your self-confidence so you can take back control of your life and finances.
Pauline @ Make Money Your Way writes Risk and Reward are NOT Related – Are you one of an investors thinking that risk and return are always related?
The Best of the Rest
DW @ Great Passive Income Ideas writes Where To Find Your Next Big Income Opportunity – The most successful people are the ones that can identify and take advantage of an income opportunity when they see it. Try to find yours among this list of ideas.
DW @ No Exam Life Insurance Guide writes What’s the Difference Between Term and Whole Life Insurance? – When considering your options for coverage, you might ask what’s the difference between term and whole life insurance policies? Am I going to get ripped off if I choose one or the other? This post will help you understand which one is really right for you.
GD @ MLIQ123 writes Do I Need Life Insurance? – Ever ask yourself if you need life insurance? Every stage in life requires different considerations and priorities and we must adjust our financial outlook accordingly. Here is a step by step guide evaluating who needs life insurance, from when you are single to married with kids to empty-nesters, and what factors can play a role in determining how much coverage you need.
Carmen @ Gajizmo writes How Much Car Can I Afford? – We want to prevent you from becoming the guy who drives around in a Benz, BMW or Escalade and then pulls up to a rent-controlled apartment. While that happens more often than you think all over the United States, it is critical that families not spend more than they can afford on a car. So, how do you determine how much car you can afford? Read our comprehensive guide to learn multiple strategies and considerations.
Michelle @ Diversified Finances writes Tips For Successful Freelancing Part 1 – When I tell people that I am switching to 100% freelancing, they tend to think that my life will be easy as cake and that I will basically be prancing around in my pajamas 24 hours a day.
Louis @ Making Sense of Cents writes Ways to Budget for Your Retirement and Save the Money You Need – Saving for retirement is something that many people struggle with. This is because people view retirement as something that is far off in the distance and something they can “deal with later”. However, nothing could be further from the truth as the time to start considering retirement is the day you start working. By following some of these guidelines you can better prepare yourself for retirement and have the money you need when you actually retire.
Anton Ivanov @ Dreams Cash True writes Personal Capital Review – Manage your Investments with Style – Track your investments with Personal Capital’s free online tools and mobile app. Our Personal Capital review takes an in-depth look.
Usiere @ Financial Freedom Inspiration @ Financial Freedom Inspiration writes What is holding you back from quitting your job, fear or greed? – Many folks know deep down it is time to move on. They have had just about enough and they need to walk away from this job. They murmur and complain but keep postponing their independence day. They know crystal clear what it is they want to do with their life. They have clear goals and have been working on it for years. They have attained financial independence but are still not sure if they can survive on their own.
Andrea @ So Over This writes Saving for Retirement? Here are the Best Ways to do it and Save Money on Taxes to Boot – When it comes to saving for retirement, one of the most important factors is to find a plan that allows you to either put off paying for taxes or save money on taxes altogether.
Luke @ Learn Bonds writes How To Estimate The Real Rate Of Interest And Why It Matters – What steps to take when estimating the real rate of interest on your investments and why they are important for bond investors to understand.
Dollar @ Easy Extra Dollar writes Christmas and Budgeting – One of the ways to deal with this financial problem is to set a budget beforehand. Another way to deal with the financial stress of Christmas shopping is to shop throughout the year instead of all at once.
Michelle @ The Shop My Closet Project writes Let us be honest! I do not want to work for someone else. I want to work for myself! – I’ve been unhappy with my job. Not because it’s a bad job-but, because I’ve worked the job for too long. I have put myself on a 2 1/2 year trajectory to get my debt paid and grow my business. I think this is manageable and it gives me a clear end game.
Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Our Budget – Then and Now – I started saving our budget info on my flash drive in April 2007, right before we bought our first home. Here’s a fun look at our budget – then and now.
Tushar Mathur @ Everything Finance writes Dating on a Budget: 7 Cheap Date Ideas – When my husband and I were first married, we barely had enough money to pay our bills.
Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes Five Celebrities That Know How To Save Money – Most of the media generated stories about celebrities consist of shock and awe showing situations resembling the Titanic sinking into the ocean.
Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes The Lowdown on Home Loan Modifications – What you need to know if you’re interested in mortgage or home loan modifications.
Mr. Frenzy @ Frenzied Finances writes LinkedIn: How and Why You Should Use It – LinkedIn is a social networking site that focuses on business connections and is a way for people to be available for new opportunities. Read here for tips!
Jacob @ AllPersonalFinance writes Creating A Suitable Five Year Financial Plan – There is no skill more important than being able to manage your money. Regardless of your current financial state, you should know where your money is coming from and where it will be going over the next five years.
SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Budgeting for the future: when do I need to write my Will? – At the end of your working life, you should be able to enjoy the fruits of your labours. By being disciplined and setting aside a little bit of money every month, you can ensure that retirement is what it should be – time for you to relax and to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do.
Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes Has The Stock Market Gone Parabolic? – As I watch the Stock Market rally continue to gallop upwards, I have to wonder when the next correction will occur. Since the gains this year almost seem parabolic, will we have dip soon?
Maria @ The Money Principle writes 3 traps that business start-ups fall into – In this article three common traps for start up business are discussed: lack of research, insufficient funding and imprecise growth estimation.
Minimalist @ Minimalist Finance writes Ways to Make Extra Money Quickly – While saving money is certainly an important aspect of good financial health, making extra money can be equally as valuable in building wealth, if not more so.
Kanwal @ Simply Investing writes What Can You Learn from Someone Who Has Returned 586,817%? – Since 1964 Warren Buffett has been able to increase the book value of shares in his company by 586,817%.
Eva Baker @ TeensGotCents writes 7 Reasons Parents Should Have Life Insurance – Insurance is important. Life Insurance for parents is even more so! Here are 7 reasons you should check into it today. It isn’t as expensive as you think!
John @ Ourinsurancecanada.com writes How Much Health Insurance Do I Need – In order to make a decision about whether to purchase a supplemental insurance plan, your local Ministry of Health will provide all of the information you need regarding what medical services are included in your province or territory.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Are Warranties Really Worth It? – For a lot of shoppers, the word ‘warranty’ sounds like music to their ears. Most people these days do not buy any expensive products that do not have a warranty.
Ryan @ Cash Money Life writes Nervous About Stocks? Here’s What You Can Do About It – Are you nervous about the stock market? The stock market has been near all-time highs for months and many people feel the markets are due for a correction.
Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes Starting From Zero: Investing for Newbies – If you’ve just left school or university, and you’re about to embark on your first full time position, congratulations are in order. This is a big time in your life – not just in terms of your career but in terms of your finances too.
Mike @ Personal Finance Journey writes PayAnywhere.com – One of the best tools for an Offline or Online Business – Before paying anything read our review on payanywhere and how it can help your day to day business thrive and succeed
Daisy @ Suburban Finance writes How to STOP Spending Money – Ever wonder how to stop spending money? It’s not a mystery. It’s actually easy to curb your spending.
Jefferson @ See Debt Run writes The Twenty Dollar Trick : How to Get an Upgraded Hotel Room – The twenty dollar trick is a method to get a room upgrade at hotels around the word. It works great for room upgrades in Las Vegas.
LaTisha @ Young Finances writes How Much Do We Save to Buy a House? – Let me start by saying that I have never purchased a house, so researching this post was a great exercise for me and it actually convinced me that I should not rush into renting and instead focusing on saving money to become a homeowner.
Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes How to Save 10%+ on Your Grocery Bill Without Cutting a Single Coupon – If you’re someone who won’t use coupons or you’re somebody who uses coupons, but wants to save even more, I’ve got an unconventional way to cut the grocery bill.
Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes My Scariest Money Mistake and What I Learned from It – Here is the full financial blow: the timeshare cost about $5,000, an amount which we had to finance and a very high interest rate. On top of that, this year is the fourth year in which we had to pay a maintenance fee. In 2007 this fee was less than $500 and it has gone up each year to be about 750 this year…who knows what it will look like in 2015.
Mrs. Accountability @ Out of Debt Again writes How To Save Money on Burial and Funeral – Donate Your Body to Science – I don’t know anyone that likes to talk about dying. But you know, it’s a fact of life that we are all going to die one day.
Derrick @ Break Broke writes Debt tips for the baby boomers: Retire financially strong using them – As the baby boomers reach retirement, knowing exactly how to eliminate current debt can help you reach a successful retirement
Matt @ Living in Financial Excellence writes When Your Values and Beliefs about Money Are Tested – I don’t know about you, but I feel that there is always going to be a time when what you believe about money is going to be tested in real life. You see, it’s always easy to say what your beliefs and values are on money, but it is another thing entirely to actually live them out.
Tushar @ Earn More and Save writes How to Make Money From a Blog – Every day there are tens of thousands of websites and blogs created. Many of these sites were created by an owner hopeful of making money through their blog. While it is very possible to make money through a blog it’s also a lot hard work. Hard work that some just aren’t up for.
Harry Campbell @ Your PF Pro writes Moven Review: a New Kind of Mobile Money Service – If you’re like most young professionals, everything is on your phone these days. In fact, you don’t even have to be that young to master a smartphone: my mom explained to me the other day how to use the Starbucks mobile app. But whether you’re paying for coffee with your phone or using Tinder to online speed date, it seems like more and more businesses are turning to smartphone apps in order to reach us(and our wallets). I know that the first thing I check every morning is my phone and
Crystal @ Married (with Debt) writes Car Insurance Too Good to Be True – Our car insurance is up for renewal again in a couple of months, and I am waiting for bad news. I got a deal that just seems too good to last.
Hank @ Money Q&A writes Hank Coleman Discusses Peer To Peer Lending Investments On Fox Business – I recently had the privilege of being on the Gerri Willis Show on Fox Business and discuss the value of peer to peer lending through services like Lending Club.
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes 5 Starting Steps to Creating a Business Website – A guide to important factors to consider if you want to start a business website, covering domain name selection, webhost selection, and website creation.
Pauline @ Reach Financial Independence writes My path to financial independence – This is a guest post from Taynia, who is a CPA and founder of The Fiscal Flamingo talking about her path to financial independence
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes Chutes and Ladders: Investing Lessons From Famous Children’s Games – While kids’ games are very simple, they can actually have profound meaning in today’s financial world and what to do in investing.
Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes Beware Of These Everyday Rip-Offs – It seems like everybody is trying to get ahead. There’s no harm in that, but not everyone is doing it legally. Here are 10 everyday rip-offs.
Lindy @ Minting Nickels writes How to Get Free Money – These 17 Companies Will Give You $1,820.25 – Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch? Every year businesses give away thousands of dollars in free money and gift cards as a way of promoting their company, read more to find out to you to can get free money and cards.
PK @ Don’t Quit Your Day Job… writes An Ideal Savings Rate Calculator for Financial Independence and Retirement Planning – When can you retire? Well, what’s your savings rate? Enter a few variables and my calculator does the rest!
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes How to Save Money By Swapping, Sharing and Hiring – I discovered this unique way of saving money by swapping, sharing and hiring quite recently, when I needed a specific tool to complete one of my DIY jobs.
Corey @ 20s Finances writes Most Important Thing for Young Adults to Learn – Do you have a spending problem? Find out how to control your spending and why it’s important to change as a young adult.
Investor Junkie @ Investor Junkie writes How Much of Your Income Should You Invest? – Here are some guidelines that can help you decide how much of your income to invest:
Bargain Babe @ BargainBabe.com writes DIY Cheap Car Repairs: I Saved $400! – I share tips to perform cheap car repairs to save big bucks!
MR @ Money Reasons writes J.P. Morgan Forced To Take Bailout Money? – With recent attacks on JP Morgan, I was surprised what Barney Frank had to say on the matter! What do you think?
Dividend Growth Investor @ Dividend Growth Investor writes Return on Investment with Dividend Stocks – The goal of every dividend investor should be generating a dependable income stream which grows over time. Dividend investors should not sacrifice the relative safety of their principal.
IMB @ Investing Money writes Investing in Entertainment Stocks – The changes in the entertainment industry are dynamic and happening at warp speed. It’s a crazy industry! Read here for stock information on entertainment.
Thomas @ Finance Inspired writes Attention Students! Stretch Your Budget – Great ways for students to stretch their limited budgets
John @ Wild About Finance writes Banking Safely and Current Social Changes – How to bank safely in the current social trend
John @ Cough Up The Dough writes Tips for Secure Online Banking – Tips for secure online banking
Thomas @ Mr. Moneyvator writes Locations Worth Investing In Real Estate in The UK – Investing in the UK? Here is where to do it…
Simon @ Chance with Finance writes 20 Best Money Saving Tips – Stop! Read these useful new tips to save money
Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Choosing Health Insurance: Did We Make The Right Call? – Trying to figure out what a health insurance policy based on an HSA means for your family’s bottom line? Here’s exactly what it meant for mine.
Chris WIlliams @ Big Day Coming writes Back From Vacation: Lessons Learned – Lessons laerned the hard way about how to save money while on vacation!
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AB @ Aspiring Blogger writes The Joys of Working from Home – Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have one of those “work from home” jobs? Well, I am a consultant and I often work from home. Join me to see what my life is like – the good and the bad!
Thanks for inclusion and hosting, I really appreciate it.
You’re welcome, keep up the good work 🙂
Thanks for hosting and featuring my article!
No prob Anton.
Hope your job break has been going nicely…all the best with your new job.
Thanks for hosting this awesome carnival and featuring our post. Much appreciated.
Thanks, Harry, for including my article in your carnival. Here’s hoping your new job goes well for you, and that you can keep up on your online activities at the same time (I know that I had trouble doing both when I was fully employed). Although, if I had a view like yours for my day job hiatus ‘office’, you’d have to drag me kicking and screaming to get me back…
No problem Roger. Thanks, I think I’ll be able to manage both but I may have to cut back on some of my freelance writing activities(or at least not take on any new jobs). I actually don’t mind my day job, after all I get paid for sitting at a desk 8 hours a day. There are much worse jobs for less pay and more hours. But I do like bitching and complaining about it 🙂
When’s the next life update? I’d love to read what you are up to.
Still on day job hiatus! Going back to work on 11/1 though so I’ll probably do an update then and talk about everything I’ve been working on..
Shoot me an e-mail if you can’t wait that long though. 🙂