When are personal loans a good idea is a top question for those searching the internet. When one takes the time to look at the financial situation in much of the first world, it is no wonder why people would be asking this question. Here are a few considerations when deciding to take out a personal loan. [Continue reading]
Amazon and Your Business
Amazon can be a useful tool for your business if you sell products or are an author. It might be a little scary to begin a new endeavor in your business. Many various types of business owners have been very successful at growing their business using Amazon. What are some of the things you should consider though before you take the plunge to use Amazon in your business? Here are some tips: [Continue reading]
Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency
![Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Add-a-heading-14-317x120.png)
Using Bitcoin is one of the common ways for using cryptocurrency in today’s market still. Even though cryptocurrency isn’t uncommon these days, some still don’t know how to use it or are afraid of using it. If you’re looking into using … [Continue reading]
Making 2023 A Year of Learning
![Making 2023 A Year of Learning](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Add-a-heading-10-317x120.png)
If you follow entrepreneurs, you know how important it is to continue your learning until the day you take your last breath. Make 2023 the year of learning for you with some of these tips. They don't have to be expensive, and some of them can be … [Continue reading]
Variable Timing Investing Options
![Varible Investing Options](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Add-a-heading-9-317x120.png)
Short term investing should be part of your long term game plan for making money. This can include a regular savings account or the stock market. There many other options to consider also when investing short term. Here are some investing options … [Continue reading]
Working From Home And Homeschooling
![Working From home and homeschooling](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Add-a-heading-8-317x120.png)
During 2020 many families not only learned how to work from home, but they also had to learn how to homeschool their children. There are many different ways to homeschool and it widely depends on the state you live in. In the state of Arizona we have … [Continue reading]
Social Security and Death Benefits
![social security](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Add-a-heading-7-317x120.png)
When you are married you most likely talked about social security and death benefits. When you have a spouse pass away, you have the opportunity, depending on how long you have been married, to take their benefits until your retirement age. Let's … [Continue reading]
Gardening for Health and Wealth
With the changing of the season I thought I would talk about how gardening can be for health and wealth! Earlier this year I wrote about inflation and food shortages. One of the ways I talked about combating food shortage was through raising your own … [Continue reading]
Saving Money While Planning For Death
We all enjoy saving money in different areas of life, death is not different. Last year I wrote this article about what to do when the unexpected happens. Today I wanted to extend this idea with saving money in general with someone dies. It is a hard … [Continue reading]
Summer Vacation On A Budget
![Summer on a budget](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Add-a-heading-4-317x120.png)
Summer of 2022 is winding down in some areas, but many might be hoping to squeeze in a vacation and hoping to keep gas and flights in budget. We have seen huge increases in inflation this year, the highest we have seen in 40 years. With this … [Continue reading]
The New Generation of the Internet
The new generation of money is in cryptocurrency, but what about the new generation of the internet? How will it impact the financial world? Certainly there will be aspects that are improved from the technology as well as drawbacks. … [Continue reading]
Market Lows and Investing Crypto
April ended with the market in a downward trend. The first two weeks of May spelled a continuation of this trend toward year lows, cryptocurrency was among the sectors hit hard by the down turned market. Is this a time to fret or a time to invest? … [Continue reading]
Inflation and Food Shortages
![Inflation and Food Shortages](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Add-a-heading-1-317x120.png)
I have written in the last year about saving money on fuel and having a baby. Jeanne has written about saving money in the summer time. The current inflation is making it more difficult for the farmers in the county grow food to send to market. This … [Continue reading]
Spring Break Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank
![Spring Break That won't break the bank](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Stock-Investments-in-2021-14-317x120.png)
Spring break season is well upon us and we might be changing our mind about those traveling plans with how high the price of gas has gone up within the last month. If this is you, here are some last minute ideas to help you save a buck and salvage … [Continue reading]
The Stock Market and Ukraine
The stock market is impacted by major world events, rumors of mergers, and bankruptcy. If you have seen the news lately, you will know there is the threat of Russia invading Ukraine. For those trading in the stock market, it could mean big dips are … [Continue reading]
Learning About the Stock Market
Learning about the stock market is something wise to do before jumping on the bandwagon of trading on the stock market. Sure there is value in learning from experience, but this could cost you thousands of dollars. Depending on your age, you may not … [Continue reading]
Looking Ahead to 2022
As yet another year is getting ready to end, wise business people look toward the future year. They plan and dream. They set goals and outline how they plan to reach those goals. Here are some tips on what to include in your goals. … [Continue reading]
Christmas & Supply Chain Issues
President Biden recently stated he has spoken to major big box store CEOs about Christmas supply chain issues. He assured us we will be able to get our Christmas shopping done. What if that isn't exactly how it pans out? Last year I wrote an article … [Continue reading]
When The Unexpected Happens
On this site we have talked a lot about life insurance, preparing for when the unexpected happens. Check out this post if you're wanting to learn about the difference between term and whole life insurance. When you're raising a family, you may opt … [Continue reading]
Saving Money On Kid’s Activities
![Saving Money on Kid's Activities](https://yourpfpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Stock-Investments-in-2021-8-317x120.png)
Kid activities don't just stop when the summer ends and school begins. Often they just shift what activities they are doing and the time at which they do them. With the holidays coming down the line quickly, saving money is a good idea. Before you … [Continue reading]
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