Most of the credit card articles on this site have to do with the points and miles you can accumulate by signing up for various cards and spending on daily purchases. But one of the first things I recommend to someone struggling with their spending is to get rid of their cards and start paying […]
How To Make A TripIt Account
A free TripIt subscription is available for anyone who has already applied for the Barclaycard Arrival World MasterCard. For those who do not have the Barclaycard Arrival MasterCard it is a card with great rewards for travel and you can learn more about it in our review or apply here. This page will describe the […]
Get Your Free FICO Score from Barclaycard
The media likes to bombard us with credit related advertisements. It doesn’t matter whether you’re watching TV, listening to the radio or playing a podcast, it seems like there are always ads for free credit scores, debt repair and things of that nature. I’ve always felt strongly though that I shouldn’t have to pay for […]
Why the Target Data Breach Was a Good Thing
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple months you’ve probably heard about the massive Target data breach. It was kind of amusing how it all started off so innocuously and now it’s grown into such a massive story. At first, Target told us that data for ‘only 40 million users’ had […]
Get $400 and 2.2% Cash Back with the Barclaycard Arrival
Now that my credit card total has reached a quarter century, I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest deals. Since I’ve already applied for a lot of the major cards, it takes a little more creativity these days to get the big spending bonuses but they’re definitely still out there. I recently […]