Every year around tax time, I inevitably see lots of articles about maximizing deductions and figuring out ways to get more money back. There are lots of gray areas when it comes to taxes and that opens up lots of possibilities for aggressive filers. But even within the CPA community, there is a lot of […]
Turbo Tax Review From Someone Who’s Actually Used It
This is going to sound a little crazy, but I’ve done my taxes myself and I’ve also gone to a service to have my taxes done for me… and it was easier to do them myself. As well as cheaper. The reason? I use Turbotax.com now. There are a few things I like about TurboTax. […]
Do I Save Money by Doing My Taxes Myself?
By now you should have received most of your year-end tax documents. More and more Americans, each year are turning to tax software like TurboTax or H&R Block at home to file our taxes. Software like this has made a once tedious task fairly straightforward. Although the United States tax code now stands at 70,000 […]