With the changing dynamics of the market and an unstable economy, it is getting increasingly difficult to manage expenses on just your monthly wage. It is during times like these that even a full time 9 to 5 job is not enough to pay the bills. No matter how hard you try there’s never enough money.
This is where part time jobs come into the picture. Giving you an excellent opportunity to earn some extra cash by devoting less than half the time you give your work. Now managing both full and part time work can be an absolute nightmare! Don’t worry though discussed below are the top 10 rules that every working person who’s also managing a part time job must read to make the best out of both.
Be honest with your boss:
You’re no Peter Parker or Clark Kent who has to lead dual lives! Take the straight and transparent way, talk to your boss. Although the relationship you share with your boss does play a major role in determining what you say and how much you involve him. But being upfront and honest with him increases your credibility as an employee. Also ensure him that your part time won’t in any way compromise your performance in the workspace.
Don’t take up too much work:
Remember, you’re just an ordinary human being with average strength and intelligence. Taking too much work from either of the two sides (part time and full time job) can result in a lopsided and mismanaged schedule. Keep your work commitments realistic so that you can get everything done on time. Punctuality is a very valued virtue in the work sector that you cannot afford to compromise upon. Also ensure that excessive work pressure and deadlines do not affect your quality of work.
Create a workspace at home:
A clear cut organised work space at home helps you set the right mood for work. Also people working full time jobs are more accustomed to a professional work environment, and creating the same at home automatically sets the correct atmosphere that would enhance your productivity. Dedicate a room or corner solely for work where all your official documents and other work accessories can be organised.
Make best use of technology:
Technology has simplified our work considerably making us more competent and productive. Also the introduction of printer, computers and smartphones has revolutionised our workspace. Make best use of technology- interact with your clients online, arrange conferences and video calls, shift your transactions online. A quicker and simpler alternative to the conventional way, the advance technology and power of internet has simplified lives beyond belief.
Bonus Tips
So many freelancers are afraid about Scams and cheatings. The best way is to use Internet and search about who they are and if they did some scams etc in the past or not. For example- read through this review by Faith Stewart from Wahadventures that is talking about the details of Flexjobs (job portal listing part time jobs). Flexjobs is one of the best portal and these tips will help you determine whether it’s legitimate or not. So many user reviews will make it easier for you. You can do this same for other job listings too.
Never let the two overlap:
Create a clear cut demarcation between your full time job and part time work and make sure that the two never overlap. Working at two different workspaces can be confusing; it takes time adjusting to the changing environment. Be flexible enough to change as per your work atmosphere, don’t confuse the two jobs.
Time management in the key:
There so much to do and so little time! As a person balancing both full time and part time work, it is mandatory that you understand the importance of time management and learn to accept it as time is a limited resource. Make a schedule and stick to it, plan your day in such a way that you have time to meet the demands of both your full time and part time jobs.
Learn to prioritise:
Spending all your time working isolates you from the real world, you’re dislocated and antisocial. Your life is just not confined to your work, there’s family as well. In the quest for earning money, man often forgets about his personal commitments. Also a lopsided interest or involvement in your full time job can heavily cost your part time vocation and vice versa. The trick is to prioritise your work; organise your tasks according to their importance and urgency.
Don’t ignore your health:
In the struggle for earning more and more money, it your health that suffers the most, juggling between the two jobs can be physically and mentally exhausting. Ensure that you maintain proper rest and dietary pattern in your life. Allow your body to rejuvenate and destress, this not only keeps you healthy but also boosts your productivity.
Maintain the work ethics:
Maintain a certain degree of morality and honesty in both your part time and full time job. For instance, don’t pass information from one workspace to another or try stealing clients. This might heavily affect your credibility and relationship with the management. This can severely affect you reputation in the market as your employer loses faith in you.
Family support is important:
The support of your family members can really make your job so much easier! Talk to your family, about your struggles and plans for the future. The cooperation of your near and dear ones give you the much needed confidence to perform better. Also the elder and experienced members of the family can also provide some useful insights that might really help you.
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