When on a budget, you calculate all of your expenses to the maximum. You have the cash for the rent, for the bills, for food and for fun set aside, and quite often you are left with just a tiny bit – or nothing – left for unexpected expenses. But there are countless little payments that don’t even seem important when you make them – but they can eat away a consistent part of your budget each month. Here are some small spendings you might want to eliminate today.
Instead of fast food…
Fast food is more expensive than you think. First of all, you have to pay for it when you buy it. Second, you need to pay when you face their consequences. Fast food is not what you would call “healthy”, and it can have a harmful long-term effect on your body. And when the doctor tells you that your arteries are becoming clogged – well, that’s the moment when you pay their true price.
… pack your lunch
Sandwiches, salads, or even burgers can easily be prepared at home if you find your way around the kitchen. And their long-term costs are much lower compared to any fast food you can buy on the run. Instead of forcing down a tasteless hot dog in your lunch break, prepare a sandwich to your own taste. It will be not just more delicious, but also healthier, than the alternative.
Instead of paying to play online…
Playing online can be an expensive habit, no matter if you play for real money or through social networks. In-app purchases in social games can shorten you by a few bucks each month, which can add up to a nice sum in a year.
… play real money games free
Instead of spending on social games, try to play online pokies for real money at http://casinogamescity.com – free. It has more games than any social casino, and an option to play in “practice mode”, which doesn’t need anything but your name and email address to offer you access to a huge library of games. And lets you save on your expensive DoubleDown habits in the long run.
Instead of buying “iced tea”…
Iced tea is among the most popular beverages today. But it comes with all the downsides of commercial refreshments: chemicals, preservatives, artificial coloring and aroma. Which, aside from costing you money, is even bad for your health in the long run.
… brew your own
Instead of spending $2 on a bottle of iced tea, try brewing your own. Brewing tea at home is maybe the easiest thing you can do in the kitchen. You can choose your own herbs and your preferred sweetener (no matter if it’s sugar, stevia or honey). Brew your tea, leave it to cool and put it in the fridge overnight. In the morning you’ll have the perfect cool soft drink at hand – and at a fraction of the cost. Even if you do this just once a week, the savings can add up to $100 in a year.
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