This week I’m hosting the Carnival of MoneyPros so take a look at some of the best articles from around the web and leave a comment and let me know which one was your favorite.
Editor’s Picks:
Hank @ Money Q&A writes You College Diploma Is Like A Share Of Stock – The college you attend says a lot about you. You should treat your diploma like a share of stock in your college or university that rises or falls in value.
Daniel @ Make Money Make Cents writes 4 Tips to Sell Your Home Fast – With the housing market looking troublesome and many people still tightening their budgets in the economic recession, finding the best buyers for your house can be tricky.
JP @ My Family Finances writes 5 Frequently Asked Questions about Reverse Mortgages – Here are some frequently asked questions about reverse mortgages to start you on your fact-finding mission.
Lily @ Paying Debt Down writes Is Data Mining a fair way to set Insurance Rates? – With computer technology advancing by leaps and bounds, it is no surprise that insurance companies have started using sophisticated software to help them determine what rates to charge their customers.
Monica @ Monica On Money writes You Don’t Have To Be A Superhero To Become Debt Free – Sometimes, I feel like I need to be a SUPERHERO to make it all happen.
Larry @ KrantCents writes How to Start Saving – You can start saving today! Can you put aside $10 per day? If you start saving $10 per day at twenty-two (22) years old, you will be a millionaire in forty (40) years.
Cat @ Budget Blonde writes Do You Make These 5 Renter Mistakes? – Are you a rental dweller? I am and I also happen to work in property management!
Erastus @ Wise Dollar writes When is the Best Time to Buy Life Insurance? – The best time to buy life insurance is a common debate and it’s clouded by the fact there is so much misinformation about it. So I would like to share with you things you need to know about life insurance.
Mr.CBB @ Canadian Budget Binder writes How to make money fast without going crazy – If you need extra cash and you want to make money fast put on your thinking cap. Turn your skills into cash and your junk into gold with these tips.
Mario @ Debt BLAG writes My bad experience with Nokia; or a hiccup in my attempt at cell phone frugality – I bought a less expensive Nokia Lumia 521 in an attempt to be frugal, but have found the device and the service to be lacking.
Best of the Rest:
Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Money Saving Tips for Families – Ben Franklin understood that money saved is just as good as money earned. Families can expand the quality of their life by spending smart and choosing less expensive and often more satisfying options. Keep in mind that the more money you save, the less time you will have to spend at work.
Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes How to Earn Crazy High Interest on Your Checking Account – Ever heard of Kasasa accounts? These checking accounts pay over 3% annual interest — way more than the industry average.
Rich @ Growing Money Smart writes Why You Should Invest for Your Child – Going against popular opinion, I’ve always invested money for my child. Read this article for the reasons why I think it is a prudent path to invest for your child.
Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes Does Anybody Cook Anymore? – Driving down Highway 9 in downtown Alpharetta the other evening, I noticed that the parking lots were packed like a bunch of sardines in a can.
Lauren @ L Bee and the Money Tree writes Why (and How!) I Changed My Thinking On Emergency Funds – My previous thinking on emergency funds: 6-9 months of living expenses seemed like a lot. Now, I’m beginning to think that’s not such a bad idea.
Dominique Brown @ YourFinancesSimplified writes What is Escrow? – When you buy a home, you will typically have an escrow account. All escrow means is that the money is being held by a third party. It’s separate from your mortgage account, though your mortgage payment typically covers your house payment and your escrow payment.
Crystal @ Married (with Debt) writes The Retirement Industrial Complex – A few weeks ago I was perusing one of my favorite forums – the Bogleheads – and saw a post about one of my other favorite online places, Mr. Money Mustache.
Mike @ Personal Finance Journey writes Franchising: Is It for You? – Is buying a franchise the right step for you? Will it help or hinder your financial journey and success.
SavingMentor @ How To Save Money writes What To Do When Something You Already Bought Goes On Sale – Everyone likes to find a good deal on the things they buy. But, what happens if you buy something, thinking you got a good deal, only to find the same item go down in price after you bought it? Use Price-Matching Most retail stores in Canada offer a 30 day price match policy.
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes Common Household Items that Can be Made At Home – Heads up for a money saver: there are many household items that can be made at home. Before running to replace them, read here to learn how to make them.
Don @ Money Reasons writes Why Customer Service Matters When Selling Products Online – Read why customer service matters when you decide to sell products online. Perhaps it’s the difference between being successful or losing business.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Income Versus Personal Net Worth – You can do a quick math calculation between your income and your personal net worth to see how financially secure you are. Why is this calculation important?
Maria @ The Money Principle writes Personal Wealth versus Mental Health: working from home – Working from home and freelancing is the way of the economy today. How do wealth and mental health weigh in the balance?
Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes Penalty-Free: How to Claim Your 401k Early – Yes, you can claim your 401k early, penalty-free! But first, you need to know how it all works. Read here for all the information you need on your 401k.
SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Getting Fashionable: How to Buy the Best Fashion with the Least – Tips to help you purchase name brand fashion without taking out a home equity account.
IMB @ Investing Money writes Finding the right trading software system – It is fair to say that the perfect foreign exchange trading system doesn’t exist. Techniques have evolved over time offering more insight than ever before into the behaviour of the markets.
Kurt Fischer @ Money Counselor writes 4 Ideas to Save an Extra $100 This Week! – Regardless of your income, you can choose to save more money, without pain and sacrifice. Try this one-week exercise to prove it to yourself.
Richard Adams @ writes 6 Reasons Why I Didn’t Pay Off My Debt Sooner – Now that I’m at the end of my debt repayment journey I thought it would be interesting to examine the reasons why I didn’t pay off my debt sooner – even though like a thorn in my finger it was a constant source of annoyance and even sleepless nights.
Oscar @ Money is the Root writes Borrowing Money? Avoid using these 2 Methods – While it is certainly true that everyone needs money, sometimes it is rather hard to find if you need extra money quickly.
Danielle @ Saving Without a Budget writes Lock Up Credit Card Safety with the coming Card Control App – One of the most vulnerable points that credit cards have is that, since they are always on, they can always be used by criminals who somehow get access to their data.
Matt @ Budget Snob writes Five Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid when Buying a Used Car – Purchasing a used car is a great way to avoid the hit of depreciation and drive away on a steep discount in comparison to new models.
Jack @ Money Saving Ethics writes Taking the Leap: When is it Time to Ditch the Lease? – This past decade has paved the way for some very big changes in the housing market, making it both harder to find a home and easier to get financed for one.
Amy @ Money Mishaps writes The biggest threat to Retirees’ nest-eggs? Their Mortgage – What is the biggest threat hanging over the head of many older Americans heading towards retirement?
Lenny @ Best Money Saving Blog writes Financial Aid Tips for the Uninitiated – If you are the parent of a child in high school that is rapidly approaching college age, chances are that you have just been introduced to the numbers game that is financial aid.
Hadley @ Epic Finances writes 9 Proven Strategies to Eliminate Debt – One of the most stressful things that can happen to a person is falling prey to what I call the Debt Trap.
Andrea @ So Over This writes Could You Live on Minimum Wage? – Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past the year it’s hard to miss the ongoing debate over minimum wage!
Bob @ Dwindling Debt writes Health Insurance Coverage | Will My Health Insurance Cover Dentistry? – It is no secret that your dental health is one very important element of your overall health.
Katie @ IRA Basics writes The Secret of Saving for Your First Deposit – Are you ready to become a homeowner and do not fancy a no-deposit home loan? Then the biggest obstacle standing in your way is the first deposit or down payment.
Sam @ The New Business Blog writes 5 Top Apps for Entrepreneurs – If you are a busy entrepreneur you already have your hands full with a million different things that need to be done.
Marissa @ Finance Triggers writes 3 Ways to Ensure You Have Money Left in the Last Week of the Month – We all know that when we look in our bank accounts during the week approaching pay day, it is more than likely that a few moths will fly out.
Justin @ Edward Antrobus writes Staging – Will it really increase the selling price of your house? – If there iss one bit of advice that practically all real estate agents give to their clients it’s this; staging your home before showing it to buyers will increase its price.
Aaron @ Aaron Hung writes How To Market Yourself – 10 Best Ways To Market Your Skills And Experience – Being modest about your skills, experience, and achievements on both the professional and personal levels has no place in the jobs market.
Alexa @ Single Moms Income writes 4 Things I’m Doing to Save Money Right Now – My income has slowly increased over the last three or four months. So, you’d think that I’d have saved those extra few hundred dollars, right? Wrong.
Alexa @ Defeat Our Debt writes How to Get Rid of Debt on Your Own – There is no easy way to get rid of debt. You have several options, each come with their own set of pros and cons. Here is how to get rid of debt on your own.
Charles @ Getting A Rich Life writes Find Your Financial Freedom Inspiration – Those who are inspired are more likely to stick with their path towards financial independence.
Danielle @ TeacHer Finance writes Why Bargains Aren’t Always Such a Bargain – Here is some sage and simple advice; never purchase anything just because it is a bargain.
Justin @ iPlugin writes What Can Siri Do For You? – As personal assistants go, Apple’s Siri is one of the most popular, but most people have no idea of some of the more interesting things that she can do.
Maria @ The Money Principle writes Fifteen blogging tips to make you an awesome blogger – These are fifteen blogging tips that can make you an awesome blogger: a skill we all need to have in today’s network economy.
Andrew @ Finance with Reason writes Do You Need a Side Hustle or Should you Gain Work Related Skills? – No matter which way you choose to go, both starting a side hustle and gaining career related skills will improve your level of financial security.
Anne @ Unique Gifter writes Weddings: What to Register for if you Already Have Everything – Shackin’ up already? Combining two households? Here are some things to register for if you already have everything, or think you do, anyway!
Harry Campbell @ Your PF Pro writes “Do You Pay With Cash or Credit Cards? “ – Most of the credit card articles on this site have to do with the points and miles you can accumulate by signing up for various cards and spending on daily purchases. But one of the first things I recommend to someone struggling with their spending is to get rid of their cards and start paying solely with cash. It’s no secret that it’s easier to spend more money with credit cards versus cash and there are tons of studies(here’s one) that prove that fact if you don’t want to take my wor
Stephanie @ Six Figures Under writes Yours, Mine and Ours: Dealing with Debt in Marriage – Debt can complicate and corrupt relationships. Let’s look at the way we define ownership of debt in marriage so we can improve finances and relationships.
Jerry @ Hoosier Finance writes How Often Should You Check Your Credit Score (and Report)? – We all know that we should keep a fairly close eye on our credit, but how often is too often when it comes to checking your credit?
Brock Kernin @ CleverDude writes Ways My Wife Saves Us Money: Liquor Store Edition – My wife can save us money almost anywhere on anything. Even at the liquor store, after we’ve left the store!
Gretchen @ Retired by 40! writes Find Money in a Too-Tight Budget – Having trouble squeezing your budget for just a bit more? Check out these tips!
Evan @ The Smaller Dollar writes Top 5 Frugal Reasons to Take a Cruise – If you’re on the fence about taking the plunge (no pun intended) into cruising, here are 5 money saving reasons why cruising is such a fantastic frugal vacation choice!
TW @ Tightwad Travelers writes Tightwad Travelers – Easily take your dream vacation for free through hotel and airline travel rewards
Erastus @ Sprout Wealth writes 4 Investment Fees That Will Kill Your Portfolio – Investment fees can hinder the long term growth of your portfolio. I share four of the worst investment fees to be aware of and avoid if at all possible.
Jeremy @ Modest Money writes 10 Thrifty Driving Tips – Thrift drive with fewer expenses by Buying used cars, Cost-effective cars, Regular maintenance, Do it yourself car wash, Coasting, Load up only when necessary, Single trips, Planning ahead and Driving efficiently.
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes 4 Things Your Child Can Do Instead of Going Immediately to College – If you’re flexible as a parent, you may realize that there are many other worthwhile things your kids can do besides go to college immediately. Consider some of these activities:
Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Not Your Average Residential Park Model – When you think of a residential park, or mobile home community, bland, boxy double-wides might come to mind. However, West Coast Homes has created a park model pre-fab that’s anything but bland in design.
Harry Campbell @ Your PF Pro writes Tripit Pro Review and How to Get a Free Subscription – Since I travel frequently for work and pleasure, it can be daunting trying to keep track of all my travel arrangements. Google Calendar can only go so far when you have flights, hotel reservations and more to deal with. And generally whenever I fly domestically on Southwest (which is most of the time) I make multiple reservations so that I can flex my schedule accordingly.
Mr. 4HWD @ The Four Hour Work Day writes Will You Choose the Unlimited Upside? – When you go to work for someone else, you’re taking a pretty big gamble. It may seem counter-intuitive, given that being an employee means receiving a reliable paycheck on a regular basis. But if that paycheck is your only source of income, you could lose 100% of your earnings at any time for reasons far outside your control.
Jerry @ writes How Your Credit Score Will Affect Your Car Loan – I am currently in the market for a new used car, so I decided to research how various credit scores impact used car loans. The results are pretty staggering, with bad credit costing some $6500 more in interest for a $17,000 car!
Gretchen @ Retired by 40! writes How Can End of Life Care Affect Your Finances – Not a pleasant topic: End of life care can be costly to your and your family. Are you prepared?
Glen @ How to Save Money writes Save Money by Not Grocery Shopping while Hungry – How to stop wasting money on tempting goods while grocery shopping
Track All Your Accounts With Personal Capital

Jessica Moorhouse @ Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses writes Are We Normalizing Debt Instead of Preventing It? – It seems like everyone is in debt nowadays and what’s more, everyone’s blogging about it! Why don’t we stop making debt a normal thing and start talking about how to prevent it in the first place?
Thanks for inclusion and hosting, I really appreciate it.
Thanks for including my piece on saving $100 this week. And thanks for your time in hosting the Carnival!
Thanks for sharing my post mate and making it an Editor’s pick. Have a great weekend mate. CBB
Thanks for the inclusion!
Lots of great content. I think “Cat @ Budget Blonde writes Do You Make These 5 Renter Mistakes? ” is one of the best, but I may have a biased opinion…
Haha you and me both.
Thanks for including my post this week 🙂
thanks for hosting and including my article!
Thanks friend!