This week I’m hosting the Financial Carnival of Young Adults. Feel free to browse the articles below and let me know which ones were your favorites in the comments section below.
Editor’s Picks:
Cat @ Budget Blonde writes Saving on Baby Expenses During the First Year – As a mother of four kids, I have learned a lot about what needs to be spent, and what does not need to be spent, as you are raising your kids.
Jeremy @ Modest Money writes Choosing the Best Colleges in 2014 – Best Colleges 2014 book it’s a pretty good read. It pulls together well authored personal stories, experiences, and advice. When you have time, read it cover to cover.
Erastus @ Sprout Wealth writes How to Start Investing in the Stock Market – Investing in the Stock market is vital to building wealth though can be overwhelming for those just begging. Following these few simple tips, you can start investing confidently.
Mr.CBB @ Canadian Budget Binder writes The money box inspired my passion for finance – The money-box I had as a child is a memory that has inspired my love for finance which has continued to broaden as I get older.
Glennalicious @ writes How To Start A Blog – A Guide To Setting Up Your Blog – Entrepreneurship is the backbone of America, but many Americans don’t have the capital to start a business. Fortunately, the advent of the internet has significantly lowered the costs of becoming self-employed by allowing just about anyone to start a blog and make money online. Check out this step by step guide on setting up your blog and give yourself the chance to become self-employed.
Mario @ Debt BLAG writes Financial literacy gave me hope! – Facing a daunting debt paydown, I thought I didn’t have a chance; financial literacy gave me the hope I needed to power through.
Best of the Rest:
Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Why You Need to Get Out of Debt – The main reasons why getting out of debt is a priority.
SavingMentor @ How To Save Money writes A Complete Guide To Price Matching In Canada – When my first child was born, my wife and I agreed that a digital camera with video recording capabilities was in order; we wanted to be those parents who post embarrassing home videos of their kid on Youtube. I did some research and settled on a Canon model which could take videos in high definition.
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes The Aggression Route: A Financial Strategy – If a person does not mind doing some work, they need to switch to an aggression investment strategy.
Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Budget Friendly Movie Night! – Have you considered a budget friendly movie night, if not, read on.
Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes How to Legally & Ethically Sell Your Body for Extra Cash – Did you know that there are a ton of legal & ethical ways to use your body to make some serious extra cash? We’ve got a run down of all the specifics…
Dominique Brown @ YourFinancesSimplified writes Your Financial Relationships: How Much Should We Save? – How much should you save? Tricky question huh! While there is a lot of variance in the answer, I do my best to answer this daunting question!
Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes The Biggest Financial Mistake People Make During Divorce – Divorce can often bring about tumultuous times for a family. Sometimes they can go very smooth and others can literally be the ‘War Of The Roses’.
Mike @ Personal Finance Journey writes The Real Financial Cost of your Own Car Versus Public Transport – Have you ever really looked at the whether you can save money via public transport over owning your own car or just assumed that’s the case?
Mrs. Accountability @ Out of Debt Again writes What One Thing Do All MLM’s Promise? – Multi-level marketing companies all make promises. This is one they seem to be fond of making. Whether the promise is kept will depend on the person joining.
Maria @ The Money Principle writes Who Earns More: Commercial Landlords or Property Investors? – Commercial landlords vs. property investors: the battle is on.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes 4 Ways Technology Costs Us Money – Technology is a great thing. But it can also be a bad thing. The worst thing about technology are the ways technology costs us money.
Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes Smart Phoning: How to Save Money On Your Next Cell Phone – Looking for a new cell phone, but afraid of the costs? Read for tips on shopping smartly for your next cell phone.
Hank @ Money Q&A writes Win a Free Toshiba Chromebook from Money Q&A and CouponPal!! – Money Q&A is teaming up with the guys at CouponPal and a couple of other bloggers to giveaway a free Toshiba Chromebook to one lucky reader!
Lauren @ L Bee and the Money Tree writes I’m Now Obsessed With My Quarterly Financial Goals (Q1 2014) – For, I know I need to break down my yearly goals into bite-sized, more manageable chunks, thus my quarterly financial goals.
Tony @ We Only Do This Once writes The Health Benefits of Running – Are you aware of the health benefits of running? If not, check this article and learn about the paybacks.
IMB @ Investing Money writes Markets React to Crimea Vote – The conflict in Ukraine has caused Putin to mobilize troops and obtain Crimea for Russia. How the world markets are reacting is significant.
Crystal @ Married (with Debt) writes 6 Reasons I’m Spending $6,000 on a Vacation – I feel like I’m out of touch with money. It is through that lens I ponder whether it’s totally normal to spend $6,000 on a vacation.
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes 5 Ways You Should Invest Your Tax Return – With tax season just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what to do with the cash you’ll soon be receiving on your tax return. While buying a new car or indulging in an exotic vacation may be tempting, spending your tax return money today won’t help secure your financial future tomorrow.
SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes How to Avoid the Budget Blues – Got a case of the budget blues? Here’s how to stop yourself from halting the way you budget.
Michelle @ The Shop My Closet Project writes I spent $100 on a Party-Why I feel Good About It! – You’re judging me aren’t you? I feel your judgey eyes piercing me. You have debt Michelle, you’re supposed to be saving Michelle, what in the heck are you thinking Michelle? Well let me tell you some more information.
Emily @ Evolving Personal Finance writes Why Harvey Mudd College Tops the Payscale ROI Rankings – The reasons that Harvey Mudd College is #1 on the PayScale ROI rankings tells you more about what kinds of graduates earn high salaries than anything about the quality of Mudd’s education.
Daniel @ Make Money Make Cents writes Retirement Fund Sustainability | Will My Retirement Monies Run Out On Me? – Retirees are savvy individuals who have already put in the time and effort to develop their nest-eggs.
Oscar @ Money is the Root writes Thousands of Americans Ripped off by Tax Fakes – Since last August, when fraudsters began a phone scam targeted at Americans nationwide, thousands of individuals have been ripped off according to the US Internal Revenue Service’s watchdog, the TIGTA.
Jay @ Daily Fuel Economy Tip writes Fuel Economy Tips for Hybrids Cars – We have written plenty of blogs about fuel economy tips for regular cars but this is our first for Hybrid cars.
Danielle @ Saving Without a Budget writes Tips for Buying in Bulk – No matter who you are, a trip to the grocery store almost always ends the same way; you end up spending way too much.
Matt @ Budget Snob writes Who needs an Emergency Fund? If these things happen, you do. – If you have been an adult for any length of time you know that life is full of surprises, some good and some, well, not so good.
Jack @ Money Saving Ethics writes Accelerating My Retirement | How Can I Retire Faster? – There are definite methods to accelerate retirement. There are tips, tricks, plans and procedures to engage that can shave loads of time off your retirement age, but you have to understand some rather bleak facts first.
Amy @ Money Mishaps writes Organization is the Key to a Less Stressful Divorce – Frankly, getting divorced usually means a lot of difficulty and emotion. We can’t really help you with the emotional side of divorce, but when it comes to reducing your stress financially, we can tell you that being prepared and organized is one of the best ways to do it.
Lenny @ Best Money Saving Blog writes Obama’s New Budget Proposal Bad News for Consumers Unprepared for Retirement – Experts are saying that the budget for 2015 proposed by President Obama will be an absolute disaster for millions of Americans who are not fully prepared for retirement.
Hadley @ Epic Finances writes What’s the secret behind top-performing mutual funds? Just ask Joe Huber – When it comes to owning mutual funds, nearly half of the households in the United States own them today, according to the Investment Company Institute.
Andrea @ So Over This writes How to Get the Best Deal on a New Car – Last fall I helped a friend buy a new car. Here are some of the things we did to ensure that she didn’t get the runaround or wind up with a lemon.
Lily @ Paying Debt Down writes Tax Fraud due to Identity Theft on the Rise – How to Protect Yourself – It was recently reported that billions of dollars are being stolen every year by identity thieves filing fraudulent tax returns.
Bob @ Dwindling Debt writes Are you the Victim of Identity Theft? Check the Signs – Nearly 17 million people were victimized by identity thieves in 2012 according to the US Justice Department, including 40% who were victimized through their credit cards and 37% through their bank accounts.
Katie @ IRA Basics writes The Secret of Saving for Your First Deposit – Are you ready to become a homeowner and do not fancy a no-deposit home loan? Then the biggest obstacle standing in your way is the first deposit or down payment.
Sam @ The New Business Blog writes Creating a Stylish, Practical and Attractive Catering Establishment – Any catering business understands the Health and Safety requirements to keep all their fresh products properly refrigerated.
Marissa @ Finance Triggers writes Quirky tips for conserving cash – Here are a few quirky tips for saving some cash. Read on to find out how you do not have to turn your life inside out to gain control of your finances.
Marissa @ Thirty Six Months writes Tips to Make Your First Real Estate Investment a Success – Most of us do not really think of accumulating investment properties. It is just not something that we are programmed to do, but it is an area that more GEN Y should start taking seriously.
Justin @ Edward Antrobus writes Why the Wealthy are Suddenly Fond of Using Pawnshops – While banks everywhere have started frowning on assets that are not quite liquid, there is a boom underway in high-end pawnshops.
Aaron @ Aaron Hung writes Why an IRA May be Better than a 401(k) – With a 401(k) plan you are limited to the mutual fund choices that your employer offers but with an IRA you suddenly have access to exchange traded funds (ETFs) and stocks.
Monica @ Monica On Money writes Life Happens (Have a Plan!) – This month I have focused on writing about being prepared for the unexpected. We all know that Life Happens, and usually when we are already busy and stressed.
Larry @ KrantCents writes How I live on 50% or less income! – I used to think it was crazy to live on 50% or less income!
Natalie @ Debt and the Girl writes Victims of Circumstance or Something More? – I have always been a big fan of doc type shows like True Life (the only good show left on MTV) that let you peer into the life of someone else.
Alexa @ Single Moms Income writes 3 Ways to Earn Extra Cash This Spring – Instead of blowing my budget once again I figured it was much better to look for ways to earn some extra cash.
Alexa @ Defeat Our Debt writes How to Get Rid of Debt on Your Own – There is no easy way to get rid of debt. You have several options, each come with their own set of pros and cons. Here is how to get rid of debt on your own.
Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes Is the New Freelance Economy Such a Bad Thing for You? – One of the trends becoming apparent following the recent global financial crisis and worldwide recession is that the new economy is likely to be a freelance economy.
Charles @ Getting A Rich Life writes How To Travel For Free: Game Changer – Earlier this year when a family emergency came up I only had enough miles for a free plane ticket from Hawaii to the mainland.
Gretchen @ Retired by 40! writes My 7 Best Financial Moves – I’ve done many things wrong. What have I done right?
Bryan @ DebtRoundUp writes What Factors Affect Life Insurance Rates? – If you’re thinking about buying life insurance in 2014 or beyond, it is important to know what factors may affect your rates in the future so you can minimize any negative effects in advance. Check out this guide to learn about the factors that affect life insurance rates and how you can get the lowest premiums from the best companies.
Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Second Quarter Goal Progress – I’m smokin’ my financial goals. I’ve paid off almost the entire consumer debt amount with only $860 remaining. I’ve already boosted my mutual fund’s monthly amount by $150 per month and made a significant one-time contribution last month to meet a $5,000 goal that Mr. LH had set.
Prairie Eco Thrifter @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes The High Price of Excuses, Justification, and Avoidance – Excuses and avoidance are dangerous to your long term financial health. You can continue to justify and “yeah, but” your way to zero, or you can take action and make a change.
Evan @ The Smaller Dollar writes Why You Should Open an IRA – You should open an IRA because you control it without having to go through an employer, you have a limited amount of lifetime space available to, and government policy makes the IRA an incredibly attractive wealth building vehicle.
Nell Casey @ The Million Dollar Diva writes How Much Should You Spend On Your Hobby? – Spending and investing for the future is important. But it’s also important to send aside money for things that make you happy today. If you have a hobby, costs can quickly spiral out of control so it’s important to be smart with your budget to make sure you maintain a balance between your current and future happiness.
Dorethia Conner @ The Money Chat writes Fixing Your Credit Report – Let’s face it, we’ve done plenty of silly things. How do you undo some of the credit damage?
John @ firststepfinance writes 9 Things To Remember When Buying Life Insurance. – Of course, dying can happen at any time, unfortunately. You need to make sure that your family will be taken care of, and not left destitute and devastated. This article can help you make important decisions about life insurance. Take your family’s specific needs into account when determining what kind of life insurance you need. Each person will have different individual needs that need to be taken into consideration in case of a family member’s death. When something like this does happen,
Thomas @ i need money ASAP! writes Busking For Money – Busking for money is easy if you have a talent to share. Do you know how to play an instrument? Make people laugh? Do you have any unique skills like juggling, magic, sleight of hand? Are you artistically gifted? Then busking could be the solution if you need money asap.
Lee Veldkamp @ The Value Geek writes Daily Lattes & Debt Free – You can buy lattes every day and still become debt free. A video.
Track All Your Accounts With Personal Capital

Stephanie @ Six Figures Under writes Teaching Kids Through Debt – We have made some conscious choices to help our children understand and be a part of our debt repayment journey. Here are three ways we are teaching our kids through debt.
Thanks for inclusion and hosting, I really appreciate it.
Hey Harry thanks for making BB an editor’s pick! 🙂
Thanks for including me! 🙂
Thanks for hosting and including our article. Great carnival!
Awesome! Thanks a ton for including me 🙂
Loved the post on opening an IRA from Evan @ The Smaller Dollar.
Thanks for the mention!