A few weeks ago I made my first podcast appearance on Landlord U where I talked about my real estate and landlord-ing experience. It was a lot of fun so I decided to invite myself onto another one of my friend’s podcasts and see how that went. That podcast is now live over at Stumble Forward if you’d like to listen. On the podcast, you’ll learn about all the different ways I’ve made/am making money.
It’s funny because ever since I was little I’ve just been good at making money. I started working for a start-up when I was 14(looking back, that had to have been illegal) and haven’t looked back since. In fact, I’ve always held at least 2-3 jobs and right now is no different. I think the cool thing about the work I do though is that I enjoy all of it and I get paid well. Even my day job is pretty fun and laid back. I encourage you to go check out my podcast if you’d like to hear about some of the ways I’m making money off working online and even a new gig that I just started a few weeks ago that has so far been really fun and worthwhile.
Modest Money Top Finance Blogs
I’m proud to announce that my blog was ranked as the 47th ranked personal finance blog by Modest Money. I’m gonna say this is a good thing that I’m in the top 50 🙂 But the ranking system is actually pretty cool since it uses a combination of traffic, social media stats and more in order to determine your ranking. There are some other great blogs on the list so I encourage you to go check it out sometime.
Modest Money Top Finance Blogs
Good Reading
I haven’t done a link round-up in a while so I wanted to share with you guys all of the things I’ve been reading lately:
Ultimate Side Hustle, Become a Millionaire – I’ve been reading this blog a lot lately because Eric is a guy just like me who works a full time job but also has a passion for all things real estate. This article was pretty cool because it’s how I feel about a lot of the side hustles I do. See my comment at the bottom 🙂
Elfcu HSA Still The Best Despite New Wire Transfer Fee – Of course, after I tell everyone to switch to ElfCU because they have no fees, they go in and add a $24 wire transfer fee! Unfortunately(or fortunately depending on how you look at it), I agree with the other Harry that they are still the best option out there right now. Hopefully there are no more fees even though one of the comments says they may be adding a $3/mo fee for balances under $2,500!
Americans think owning a home is better for them than it is – One of my readers sent me this article and I ended up turning it into a reader question but I’m still putting the finishing touches on it. I really disagreed with this article though because it doesn’t consider things like the money you would have spent renting. I do think that too many people automatically go out and assume buying is a better deal than renting though. It can be but you have to treat your house like an investment, that’s what I do and that’s why I’m NOT buying a house right now.
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Chris @ Stumble Forward says
It was awesome to have you on the podcast Harry, can’t wait to do it again.
Harry Campbell says
No problem bud, good luck with the podcast.
William Charles says
I’m #121, my traffic ranking is much better than those around me but my social + SEO is a bit behind. The perils of being a new blog!
Harry Campbell says
Nice, that’s not bad. Lmk if you have any questions or need any help 🙂