Buying a home is probably one of the most expensive purchase that we will make in our lifetime. It is also one of the most difficult, because you need to think about it carefully. It is not like you’ll be able to up and leave anytime soon. With all of the expenditures and legal costs involved, it is important to save prior to making that all-important purchase. Despite being able to take out a loan from the bank, it will always help you to be able to put down a cash deposit on your home, and, of course, to furnish it when you have moved in! This article will help you save and be frugal prior to making that all important purchase.
Meat- Is it really necessary? As silly as it sounds, do you actually realise how much meat costs, and that you can save a hell a lot of cash by eating vegetable meals all week, and having meat only at the weekend? If you do it for a month, you will notice a huge reduction in your grocery bill that’s for sure! It is also a lot healthier and helps you to keep your cholesterol down.
Snacking Outside- Yes, for all you coffee lovers it may be hard to do, but stay out of the coffee shops, and stop making those trips to costa and Starbucks to indulge in cups of coffee, Panini’s, and the all-important cakes! Simply by cutting back on those treats, you can save a large sum. At the same time, you will also be able to cut out a few pounds, so it is a win-win situation.
Petrol- Yes, the fuel that pumps into the car to make sure that we can run around all week and go to the office. Well, it is not as necessary as you think. Yes, you read it correctly. If you stop traveling around in your car and start using public transportation, plus the legs that you were born with, you will be able to save a considerable amount of cash that can be used towards your all-important home purchase.
Clothes Shopping- Clothes can be an addiction, and sadly nowadays it is not just ladies that hit the stores, men are guilty of over indulging in the latest trends too. Refraining to look at the next best thing that people have and stop trying to follow trends can be hard. However, this is extremely cost effective and beneficial. Think of it as a great investment. You will be able to save cash, own a home, and then think about your designer closet later on when you actually own the floor that you walk on. What is better, owning a wardrobe full of designer accessories and clothing and renting a home, or owning your home and having a standard closet for a short period of time? I think you will agree, the latter will work better later on down the line!
So, there you have it. Top tips to help you to save cash for your future home. Before you know it you will be touring around Lend Lease’s display homes in Perth, looking at a potential home to buy!
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