If you play poker regularly, enjoy it immensely and are often victorious, it’s highly likely you’ve entertained the idea of going pro and someday taking the WSOP by storm. When you work hard but would like to bring home a little extra cash for your family each month, it’s easy to believe that a game that brings you so much pleasure might be the answer you’re seeking. While making it in the poker big leagues may be a pipe dream, it is possible to make a little extra cash by playing online poker. Here’s how to do so in a sensible and realistic fashion…
Playing with your buddies every night is one thing – playing for money against people you know nothing about is another ball game entirely! Before you start playing for cash, you need to make sure that you are the best player that you can be. Practice makes perfect so read up on the game, observe great players and build your confidence before taking it to the next level.
Before you get carried away, remember how important is it to view your online poker playing as an investment into your future. When you look at it this way, you are far less likely to squander your hard earned money. Always remember to play within your means and to only gamble with money that you can afford to lose.
One way to make online poker work for you as a source of second income is to set yourself targets that you’ll be happy with. For example, perhaps your goal is to win $100 for every four or five hours of poker played. It’s important to remember that the whole point is to build up a big enough bankroll to supplement your current income. Work out the amount that you’d be happy to win for the hours spent playing and set that as your target.
Before you start playing for the big bucks, you should identify a game that you can beat. Some online players focus on sit-n-goes and play for hours on end, others opt to focus on multi-table cash games. To be in for the best chance of making money playing online poker, you need to spend time playing the discipline that you are the best at. Finding this niche might take a little experimentation, but it is worth the research time to establish where your strengths lie.
If you’re going to treat online poker as a business, you need to utilise all of the tools available to you. There are a great range on online poker tools that have the potential to make you more money. Tracking software allows you to track statistics on every hand, which means you can analyse your opponents and your own game (which will help you improve further). You may have to purchase this software, but the dividends it will pay are more than worth it.
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Follow these simple rules, improve your game as much as possible and soon you could be able to make a relatively decent second income playing online poker.
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