When you put your current home on the real estate market, you commit to changing the way you live for a period of time. In order to appeal to a variety of prospective buyers’ tastes, you must show your home in the most favorable light, and this result often comes from storing away convenient items and creating a less personal atmosphere. Here are some tips on purging your home to create the best environment to please buyers.
If you are like most families, you probably have a considerable amount of clutter that tends to collect in various rooms of the house. The family room may see a collection of video games, books, school-related materials and leisure items. Bedrooms may collect computer equipment, magazines, clothing and personal mementos. Kitchens may see a variety of objects, from cooking implements, containers, school papers and notices. All these items must be put away to allow homebuyers to imagine the home in its most basic form, that is, a place where they can live their own lives, with their own habits and needed tasks. You can make this an opportunity to start packing for your move by stowing these items away from view in closets, basements or storage facilities.
Declutter the Exterior
You must also take a close look at the exterior grounds around your property to ensure that clutter has not accumulated that detracts from the appearance of the home. Remove toys, garden equipment, sports items and excess lawn furniture that make the home look too “lived in.” Your home exterior should be neat, well maintained and free of debris. You can see examples of well-maintained exteriors at http://www.dixonsestateagents.co.uk/ . Store or throw away items in a storage shed or other area.
Remove Extra Furniture
Home staging experts recommend removing furniture that is not essential to the function of the room. Freestanding bookcases, shelving, cabinets or tables that are part of the basic use of the room should be removed and stored away to provide a well-organized and relaxing atmosphere to the home’s interior.
What’s On Your Walls?
The wall hangings in your room can have a significant impact on the home’s appeal. Experts recommend putting away family photographs, diplomas and other personal items. Staging experts recommend keeping artwork simple and suited to the style and price range of the home. Avoid hanging nudes or religious art that can make some viewers uncomfortable. Fit the art to the size of the wall properly and hanging at the appropriate height. Use tasteful subjects such as florals, landscapes or subtle abstracts. If you use smaller paintings, consider hanging them in groups, with matched frames. When hanging plates or other ceramics, ensure that they create sufficient visual impact. A white plate on a cream-colored wall will not provide enough contrast. Ensure that there is sufficient wall space all around the wall hanging to avoid a cluttered appearance.
Update Your Electronics
Outdated electronics give a negative impression of a home. Since you are planning to move, it makes sense to update your computers, TVs or music devices to keep pace with today’s improvements. Younger homebuyers will take notice of these updates, and they will present your home as a suitable environment to use these necessary devices.
Remove Heavy Drapes
Remove heavy window covering that obstruct light and give rooms a closed-in or depressing appearance. Allowing natural light to fill interior rooms as much as possible is a great way to give your home the most favorable appearance for prospective buyers. Lightweight sheers and blinds in the open position to let in light will make rooms more spacious and cheerful.
Put Away Excess Kitchenware
Because they are the heart of the house, kitchens often collect a variety of appliances and utensils that may be convenient, but also create a feeling of clutter. Remove these items from countertops and put them into kitchen cabinets, so that the kitchen area looks well organized and effortless to prospective buyers. Clean every surface, both inside cabinets and outside, to make them look their best.
Store Hobby Materials and Collections
If you are an avid spoon collector or fan of ceramic figurines, you should understand that these objects are not always appreciated by others. Any collection of more than three items should be packed away for the duration of the market sale. Also keep your hobby materials packed away in storage, so that they do not make rooms look cluttered.
Purging your home of unnecessary items when it’s on the market is easier if you remember that you are trying to create an environment in which a total stranger with different tastes can feel comfortable.
Madeleine Stanley works as a property agent and understands the need to present a home in the best possible light. She enjoys sharing her ideas online and writes for a number of property-related websites.
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