I’m dying for it to start raining again in SoCal so our mountains will get some snow. My day job is pretty flexible, so I usually try and get up to the local mountains the day after it rains. Rain down here means snow up there and I found a great guy on Craigslist that gets me discounted lift tickets too, so it’s even better.
I’ve gotten some really good feedback and questions on my HSA articles so you can expect a couple more over the next few weeks. But today, I’m going to highlight articles from some of my favorite personal finance blogs around the web. I’ve categorized them too so feel free to read only the ones that sound interesting.
Cat gives the low down on how to find freelance work. She actually lives somewhere in the Caribbean, I don’t know where, but all those islands are about the same anyways, paradise 😉
Harry(yes his name is also Harry!) tells his readers how he withdraws large amounts of money from his online bank fast. When I read this article on Monday, I actually went to the bank to try it but it was closed for MLK day.
This is the last article in a 13 part series about money by Pauline. 13 parts! Now that takes some dedication.
Good article about why health insurance premiums are going up. You already know how to fight back(hint: HSA!)
Real Estate
Leigh talks about her refinancing process and how much she saved. If you haven’t refinanced, stop being lazy and go do it and save yourself a ton of money.
Holly over at Club Thrifty talks about her new obsession with juicing. I also recently got the same obsession but I am making fruit/veggie smoothies…yum
I love food so I think it’s cool that Jason shares recipes once in a while on his blog. That monkey bread looks horribly unhealthy but I’m sure it tastes amazing.
I’ve tried caviar a couple times but I think it tastes pretty bad. It seems like more of an acquired taste though so I’m going to keep trying it. Liquid Independence talks about his first time eating caviar here.
John took the plunge and became an entrepreneur. I plan on doing the same some day too but for now I’m pretty happy where I’m at.
Jeremy has some good tips here about blogging. He’s given me a lot of great tips over the past year that have helped make this blog what it is.
Carnival Mentions
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Personal Capital lets you see all of your accounts in one convenient place. Sign up now for free.Control Your Cash, Evolving Personal Finance, Good Financial Cents, Family Money Values, Finance Product Reviews, Debt Black Hole, Adam Hagerman, Marotta on Money, Nerd Wallet, My Wealth Builder
Leigh says
Thanks for the mention, Harry! I’ve already made some extra payments on the new mortgage and it turned out to be pretty easy. I think this should be a good move since I’m already saving money.
Harry Campbell says
Nice, now I want to know when you’re ready to buy your next property 🙂
Leigh says
Oh, hah! I’m not planning on buying a rental property. If I don’t have kids, I could stay in this condo for a very long time! If I do have kids, then I could end up buying a house…but that’s many years away.
[email protected] says
Hey Harry! Thanks so much for the mention. And just for the record, I live in Grenada. Come visit! 🙂
Harry Campbell says
Haha I knew that! Just giving you a hard time 🙂
John S @ Frugal Rules says
Thanks for the mention Harry! Have a great weekend!
Harry Campbell says
No problem you too.
Pauline says
Thank you for the mention Harry, I hope you get some good snow!
Harry Campbell says
I do too. It doesn’t ever snow in Guatemala does it?
Liquid says
Hope you get some snow on your mountains 🙂 I’m planning to go snowshoeing for the first time in early Feb. Looking forward to that, but don’t think it will be as exciting as snowboarding. Thanks for the mention.
Harry Campbell says
Haha snowshoeing must be a Canadian thing. Similar to curling? 😉
Liquid says
If snowshoeing was a competitive sport in the winter olympics Canada would get gold every time, guaranteed 😛
Holly@ClubThrifty says
Thanks for mentioning me! I just made my kids a frozen blueberry/pineapple smoothie and snuck some parsley and kale in there. They had no idea!
Harry Campbell says
Ah nice work! Take that kids, eating healthy and they don’t even know it. Now that’s how you parent. 🙂
Chris @ Stumble Forward says
Sounds like the skiing is pretty good over their in SoCal. I went last weekend to a local ski resort in Ohio and it wasn’t bad but the temperature was pushing 48 degrees that day, hardly skiing whether but it felt good to be on the slopes again.
Harry Campbell says
Haha yea 48 is pretty warm, but sometimes it’s nice to board in a t-shirt!
Bichon Frise says
Phew! Just finished clearing another hearty 12″ of snow from my driveway. When will it stop?! 🙂
I thinking about dipping my toe in the world of prepaid debit card cash advances…
Harry Campbell says
Haha I feel so bad for you. Yea I’m going to try it out this week, but I don’t think there are any point churning opportunities with it, are there?
Bichon Frise says
IF you could buy a prepaid debit card, take it to a bank and get the cash out…my head is about to explode just thinking about the possibilities.