This is our last article of 2013 as we’ll be taking a blogging break here at Your PF Pro until the first week of January. We hope that you’ve enjoyed all the great content we’ve brought you in 2013 and are as excited as we are for what 2014 will bring. 2014 will be a very exciting year and there are going to be lots of changes with the site. I’ll be hiring another writer that will have a weekly column and exploring lots of personal finance topics that you won’t see anywhere else. In addition, I’ll be adding some resources to make the site a little bit easier to navigate and more aesthetically pleasing.
If you have any article requests or questions for 2014, feel free to send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I’ll do my best to answer them via e-mail or with a blog post. If you can’t get enough of the writing here at PF Pro, check out our sister site at The Four Hour Work Day.
On to the Carnival of MoneyPros:
Editor’s Picks
Cat Alford @ Budget Blonde writes How To Get a Classic, Simple Maternity Style – Even if a maternity dress costs more than you usually spend on clothes, I feel like pregnancy is one of those times where it’s okay it to feel comfortable.
Holly @ Club Thrifty writes 8 Investing Excuses We All Make – When it comes to not saving enough, we all make investing excuses from time to time. Read this post for eight investing excuses we have all made.
Hank @ Money Q&A writes Five Regulations Landlords Need To Know About Renting To Tenants – In the midst of the UK’s housing crisis, it’s difficult to be a tenant. It can also be difficult to be a landlord in this climate though and there are regulations landlords need to know.
Harry Campbell @ The Four Hour Work Day writes Finding a Job That Allows You to be Mobile – “My recent vacation to Hawaii reinforced two things: I love to travel and I really enjoy what I do working online. 90% of my 5 day trip was spent doing normal Hawaii stuff: hiking, visiting local landmarks and relaxing. But the other 10% of the time, I was busy responding to comments on my blog, dealing with advertisers and working on new articles. ”
Mr.CBB @ Canadian Budget Binder writes How to get your life back after a divorce with kids – Getting divorced is a tough time for both the kids and the parents so making sure that a plan is in place to make it all as stress free as possible helps both emotionally and financially.
John @ Frugal Rules writes Betterment Review: A New Investing Option to Consider – Investing in the stock market is vital to building wealth and with the variety of options available of where to invest it can be confusing. Choosing a good brokerage that has good offering and low fees can be a great way to help grow your retirement portfolio and get your investing on the right foot.
Gary @ Gajizmo writes Should I Pay Off My Mortgage Early? – With mortgage interest rates likely to begin increasing in 2014 and beyond, does it make sense to pay off your mortgage if you have a variable interest rate? What are the pros and cons of paying it off early? Check out our guide to analyze the factors and whether or not you should!
Pauline @ Reach Financial Independence writes Why your mindset is more important than strategies when reaching financial independence. – This is a guest post from Simon Cave. When people try to reach financial independence they tend to overlook strategies. Strategy only represents 20% of your outcome while mindset is 80% part of your success.
Pauline @ Make Money Your Way writes What Fundamentals Affect Commodity Prices – Troy continues the investing for beginners series, and now he talks about what fundamentals affect commodity prices.
Adam @ Money Bulldog writes The importance of emergency funds for the self employed – Do you have some money saved up just in case things don’t go your way?
Adam @ Money Rebound writes Coping with the worry of debt – Debt can take its toll on anyone. Can you handle your money problems to help yourself?
Christopher @ This That and The MBA writes Understanding the Interest Rate Risk in Your Portfolio – Interest rates greatly affect many personal finance choices. From refinancing mortgages for more affordable payments to transferring credit card balances for faster payoffs; historically low interest rates are helping Americans improve their finances.
The Best of the Rest
SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Renters Insurance: All the Pros, None of Cons – There are no cons to purchasing low-cost renters insurance for your apartment or home. Here are a few reasons why.
Lindy @ Minting Nickels writes Facing Your Fear of Investing – There are those who love investing and are comfortable doing it seemingly from day one.
IMB @ Investing Money writes Janet Yellen’s Testimony and What it Means for Investors – Soon, Ben Bernanke’s role as Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Janet Yellen is nominated to replace him. What does this mean for us? Read here.
Jacob @ AllPersonalFinance writes How to save money without being a Scrooge this Christmas – Christmas is a joyous time of year. Everyone’s in top form; pubs are permanently busy and full of merry cheers, shops are full of jolly shoppers and festive designs, caf’es are not without Christmas cake and there is an unlimited supply of gingerbread men.
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes Just How Long Should Copyrights Last? – A discussion of copyrights, how long they currently last, and just how long they should last, mostly focusing on how our copyright laws are too long.
Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Embrace Workplace Change for Career Success – Embrace Workplace Change for Career Success is a post from: Broke Professionals if you enjoy it, please visit us and subscribe to the Feed. “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can!
Maria @ The Money Principle writes How To Get A Mortgage With Bad Credit – Anyone can mess up their credit rating; the question is what you do next. This article offers tips for getting a mortgage with bad credit.
Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes What Makes a Good Accountant? – According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ “Occupational Outlook Handbook,” there are a few concrete traits and educational requirements that make up a good accountant. These include analytical skills, being detail oriented, possessing a great ability to compare, interpret, and analyze complex figures, and having keen organizational skills.
Crystal @ Married (with Debt) writes How I’d Spend a Holiday Bonus – I was recently asked how I would spend a small windfall like a holiday bonus….here’s what I would do…
Michelle @ The Shop My Closet Project writes My Favorite Debt Pay Off Posts! From 2013! – And I love seeing people win at the goals that they have set for themselves. I absolutely love reading the Debt Pay off posts. I am addicted to them. The reason I enjoy them so much is because it shows me that it’s possible to pay off your debts! These posts are so encouraging to me and besides being super happy for these people we see that there are many roads to debt freedom.
Moneycone @ Money Cone writes 10 Questions You Must Answer To Stay On Top Of Your Portfolio – A review of Personal Capital and how it can help an investor manage his assets.
Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes The Four Gift Rule – The four gift rule is based on simple promise. The holidays in US has becomes completely out of control. You can hear lots of parents talking about materialism saying it’s terrible and out of control. Yet they still have thousand gifts under the tree for their kids.
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes Writing For Cash: How to Make Money Through Writing – Answering the question “how to make money through writing” isn’t easy, but for those who want to turn words into cash it pays to do some research.
Don @ Money Reasons writes Does Kiddie Tax Create Inequality – I wonder if anyone thinks about how unfair “Kiddie Tax” to kids and young adults? If you think about it, it’s pretty obvious that it discourages young adults from investing. Is the government indirectly creating wealth inequality?
Lauren @ L Bee and the Money Tree writes 3 Things I Learned from the Gratitude Project – Rather than run down a list of everything I was thankful for during the final week of my gratitude project, I thought I’d do a re-cap of everything I think I got out of this social experiment.
Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Toll Brothers’ Newly Issued Bonds Are Worth a Look – Despite trading a bit over par, Toll Brothers Bonds still offer an attractive yield for the given level of credit risk.
Tushar Mathur @ Everything Finance writes Find Success: Set Smaller Money Goals for 2014 – If you want to finally make some progress in terms of your financial goals next year, my advice is to set some smaller money goals to get you motivated!
Mr. Frenzy @ Frenzied Finances writes Legal Listening: Music for Free – When people think of listening to music online, they think of listening illegally. The truth is that you can listen online and do it legally! Here’s how.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes How To Find Work – Do you want to know how to find work? Here are 6 tips for you to land a great job. The best part – all of these tips can easily be done without much effort on your part.
Mike @ Personal Finance Journey writes Have you ever needed to Dispute a will? – Has the sad occasion of a funeral ever created the circumstances that require to you dispute a will? Have you ever considered the need?
JP @ My Family Finances writes CFDs and The UK Stock Exchange – Trading in CFDs on the UK Stock Exchange gives people a far cheaper alternative to the traditional buying and selling of shares.
Ryan @ Cash Money Life writes Save Money on Insurance: Self-Insure – Many people save money by canceling insurance policies and self-insuring. You can also partially self-insure to decrease your insurance premiums.
Brent @ PersonalFinance-Tips writes 5 Fool Proof Ways to Get Out of The Red With Your Family Finances – Many different families often have a difficult time staying afloat financially and staying out of the red. Although it can be a challenge to succeed in a struggling economy, there are a number of ways to thrive and establish a strong financial future.
Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes The Food In The Middle Sucks!! – With the explosion of large scale stores like Whole Foods and Farmer’s Markets in just about every different neighborhood, it is clear that the movement to eating more healthy food is becoming important to people in America.
Mrs. Accountability @ Out of Debt Again writes Arizona Tax Credits – No Itemization Required in 2013 – If you’re in Arizona, you may be able to divert some of your tax dollars to charitable organizations, rather than to pay them to the state.
Tony @ We Only Do This Once writes The 80-20 Money Saving Formula – The 80-20 Money Saving Formula Saving is one of the hardest things to do especially if you have never followed the 80-20 money saving formula.
Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes What High School Never Taught You (And Should Have): Paying Your Bills – It’s important to pay bills! Yet this and other important finance lessons aren’t always taught in the modern education system. Read to learn about this!
Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes It’s Christmas! Don’t Panic. – Yes, Christmas is upon us, but there’s no need to get anxious about it. Here are some things to do to ease your mind.
Minimalist @ Minimalist Finance writes Watch Your Wallet and Your Health This Holiday Season – With 18 days until Christmas, it’s easy to fall off the wagon when it comes to both saving money and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Not only is the weather much colder, deterring most people from exercising outside, but there is goodies at every corner.
Bargain Babe @ writes Are Gift Cards Good Christmas Gifts? – DO gift cards make great CHristmas and holiday presents – or are they a quick cop out? We debate the pros and cons of giving gift cards.
Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes How Important is the Internet When Looking for Investment Data? – There is no doubt the internet has completely transformed our lives in lots of different ways. Some people are now able to work entirely from home thanks to the internet. Others are able to keep in touch with friends and family more easily.
Corey @ 20s Finances writes Best Investment Advice: Avoid the Next Fad – Wondering what is the best investment? Read about how to make sure your investment won’t be gone tomorrow.
Tushar @ Earn More and Save writes 5 Unique Ways to Save Money on Food – You already know that groceries are an easy area of your budget to save money on. You’ve probably already heard all the same boring advice: brown bag your lunch, eat leftovers, buy in bulk, etc.
Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes New Year’s Resolutions – 2013 Results and Starting Fresh in 2014! – With 2013 almost wrapped up, I thought I should probably review my New Year’s resolutions to see how 2013 turned out…
Eva Baker @ TeensGotCents writes Affordable Christmas Gifts – Looking for affordable Christmas gifts? Here are some ideas and tips on how to keep costs down at the holidays for teenagers!
Dominique Brown @ YourFinancesSimplified writes Passive Income-Foolish Fantasy or Doable Daydream? – Some people view the concept of passive income in the same light as others view the perpetual motion machine and cold fusion … a great idea but pure fantasy
Rich @ Growing Money Smart writes Is Baidu a Good Investment For Kids? – Is the Chinese Google (Baidu) a good investment to have for kids?
eemusings @ NZ Muse writes How to get cheap Broadway tickets – What I’ve learned about buying tickets to NYC musicals
Ben Luthi @ The Wealth Gospel writes How to Waste Time and Kill Productivity – Even though I don’t waste large amounts of time, I still find myself shooting myself in the foot by doing these two things
Emily @ Evolving Personal Finance writes The Thinking Person’s Guide to Dave Ramsey: Reasonable Baby Step Modifications – While sticking to the structure of Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps, what are the possible modifications you can make to them that could help increase net worth?
GenY @ Gen Y Finances writes Common Expenses When Deciding To Go To College – College is very expensive. If you just look at average tuition costs, then your mind will most likely be blown. However, if you add in everything else that comes along with going to college, then you will most likely be even more shocked.
Jacob @ My Personal Finance Journey writes 6 Tips to Avoid Crazy Holiday Spending This Year and Next – Many of us want to save but we don’t know how best to do it This post shares different ways to avoid crazy spending during holidays, thus saving immensely yet having fun.
Dee @ Color Me Frugal writes Foiled an Identity Theft… Barely! – Identity thieves get sneakier every day! My recent encounter with an identity highlights the extreme lengths to which they will go. Find out how to avoid becoming a victim!
Daniel @ Make Money Make Cents writes Want to make smarter money decisions? Use these tips from Economist Noreena Hertz – Noreena Hertz advises people in power, including presidents, prime ministers and CEOs, about international debt and globalization. She also wants to help people like you and I make better financial decisions.
Oscar @ Money is the Root writes 5 Questions that All Taxpayers Should be Asking – If you want to keep as much money in your own pocket this year, rather than giving it to Uncle Sam, the first thing you need is a detailed and well laid out financial plan.
Jay @ Daily Fuel Economy Tip writes Today’s Cold Shipping Technology Involves Far More Than Dry Ice – Cold shipping is a specialized shipping service in which sensitive products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, foods, healthcare products, biomaterials, human organs and even animals that need to be kept temperature-controlled may be sent and delivered safely.
Danielle @ Saving Without a Budget writes Removing Some Risk From CFD Trading – Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are growing increasingly popular with traders, but they are not without the element of risk.
Matt @ Budget Snob writes If you haven’t started thinking about your year-end finances, now’s the time to get started – As we move towards the end of the year it is definitely time to start thinking about your year-end financial planning. Things like taxes, open enrollment options at work and reassessing your overall financial plan should be done before January.
Jack @ Money Saving Ethics writes Holiday Travel Tips 2013 – If you are planning to travel this holiday season? If so, you definitely should start making plans as early as possible because, as most of us know, traveling during the holidays can be expensive, tiring and stressful.
Amy @ Money Mishaps writes Online and Mobile Retail make Black Friday practically obsolete – Ladies and gentlemen, here is a certifiable fact; marking down prices for Christmas is an American tradition. Here is another fact that is a bit newer; today, those markdowns and bargains come right to you at home so there is no need to actually go to the store to get them.
Lenny @ Best Money Saving Blog writes Practically Guarantee a Loan Application Approval with These 5 Steps – Getting your loan approved is not as easy as it used to be. Lenders across the UK, and the world, have become much more strict since the financial crisis, and loan applicants must work harder than ever before if they want their loan application to be approved.
Hadley @ Epic Finances writes Do Exchange-Traded Funds have an Advantage over Index Mutual Funds? – One of the questions that we frequently get is whether or not there is an advantage for long-term investors to use exchange traded funds instead of index mutual funds. It’s an excellent question, to be sure.
Andrea @ So Over This writes Avoid Travelocity and Their Poor Customer Service – I have explained in previous posts that I am one to rant, and this is my soapbox from which I stand. I feel like I am a magnet for poor customer service, and all the headaches that come with it.
Bob @ Dwindling Debt writes Considering Lending Money to a Family Member? If so, follow these 3 Basic Rules – While this may sound a bit harsh, the best rule of thumb when considering lending money to family or friends is simply this; Don’t.
Lily @ Paying Debt Down writes Money Saving Holiday Shopping Tips 2013 – Did you go so far over budget on your holiday spending last year that you didn not pay off your bills until the Fourth of July? If yes, then this post is definitely for you.
Katie @ IRA Basics writes Benefits of a Budget – Budget. It is a dreaded word, not one that instills ideas of grandeur and immense fun. It is also a word that’s often neglected, an idea that most of us would rather not think about.
Sam @ The New Business Blog writes Marketers Capitalizing on 3 Emerging Social Media Trends – If you are a marketing expert (or would like to be) you probably already know about social media and probably, like most, have been migrating between social media platforms.
Marissa @ Finance Triggers writes How to spot a good mortgage broker from a bad one – How can you decide if a mortgage broker is a good one or a bad one? The best way is to learn the answers to these questions.
Sam @ The New Business Blog writes Marketers Capitalizing on 3 Emerging Social Media Trends – If you are a marketing expert (or would like to be) you probably already know about social media and probably, like most, have been migrating between social media platforms.
Justin @ Edward Antrobus writes Auto Insurance – What It Is and Why You Need It! – Auto insurance is one of those things that you do not really think about until it is either time to pay for it, or you need to use it. I am guilty of this myself. I renew my auto insurance twice a year, and if it is relatively the same price than I simply click the renewal button and send payment through.
Aaron @ Aaron Hung writes How to stay safe when transacting online – As e-commerce sites and online transactions have become more popular the opportunities for fraud and scams have also increased. Just like any other type of fraud, online scams look for vulnerabilities or weak points and exploit them to walk off with your hard earned cash.
Monica @ Monica On Money writes How My PT Cruiser Saved Me $27,600 – I bought a PT Cruiser in 2004 for $17,5000 and still have it today. Some people think that is crazy.
Read more at @ KrantCents writes Being Rich or Poor Is a Choice! – Rich or poor is a choice! I realize that some of you may feel this is controversial, but give it some thought.
Natalie @ Debt and the Girl writes Feeling a Little Stressed Out Lately… – I think this time of year is particularly stressful. I think this ever bustling time of year can be hard on a lot of people. This is true for me at least.
Alexa @ Single Moms Income writes A Day in the Life – I just thought I would give you a little glimpse into what life has been like over the past few weeks.
Alexa @ Defeat Our Debt writes The Costs of a Five Year Old’s Birthday Party – Kids birthday parties can be very expensive. Here is how much I spent on a birthday present for my five year old.
Graham @ Moneystepper writes Santa Rally and other market phenomena – are they real? – Santa Rally and other market phenomena – we often hear these phrases being said. But does the data support the existence of the Santa Claus Rally?
Jason @ The Money Makers writes Olivia Wilde is Having a Baby: What are the first-month expenses? – Olivia Wilde recently announced her pregnancy with fiance Jason Sudeikis as she is due with her first child in the coming year. Although the couple have declined to reveal their due date, they likely are expecting to set aside a budget for their baby, even with their high incomes.
Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes How Mobile Banking Can Help You and the Environment – Thanks to technology, it is possible to stay on top of your banking anytime you want. Not only is this helpful for you, but it can also be helpful for the environment.
Kathleen @ Frugal Portland writes Year-End Review: 2013′s Love List – Last year, I made a list of things I would love to do. Did I?
FI Pilgrim @ FI Journey writes Don’t Worry ‘Bout The Mule, Just Load The Wagon – Sometimes we need to close the computer, stop planning for the future, roll up our sleeves and put in the work! Don’t worry ’bout the mule, load the wagon!
Taylor @ Motive Finance writes Is it Possible to Buy a Car without a Down Payment? – Buying a car with “no money down” isn’t nearly as easy as the car commericals make it out to be, and the real question to ask yourself is whether it’s even a good idea.
Matt Becker @ Mom and Dad Money writes How to Know When You Need Life Insurance – Life insurance is one of those topics that nobody really likes to talk about because, well, who likes to talk about dying? It’s also one that gets a bad rap because of the poor behavior of a large number of salesmen who push it. The lack of conversation is unfortunate, as life insurance is one of the foundational pieces of a secure financial lifestyle.
Joshua Rodriguez @ CNA Finance writes What Are Secured Credit Cards – In this post, Josh goes over what secured credit cards are, who should and shouldn’t use them, how they can help or harm credit scores, and other options you may have.
Adam @ The Cheapest Cars To Insure writes What do you look for when buying a new car? – Buying a new car is quite a decision to make, so here are the things to take into consideration before doing so.
Fig @ Figuring Money Out writes How I Almost Bought A House – The story of how I almost bought a house, why I didn’t, and what I learned about house buying from the experience.
Dollar @ Easy Extra Dollar writes Can Everybody Do Money Online Easily – Well, in my opinion the answer is no of course no, because in first place nothing is easy and those websites that claim that you can earn millions by doing nothing …. if you believe in them please buy some new brain and close this site, you learn by yourself.
David Leonhardt @ World Vacations Travel Blog writes Six Cheaper Ways to Use Your Cell Phone Internationally – Even if you arrive home from an international vacation to find all your doors and windows intact and your belongings untouched, you might still have been robbed. Just wait for that cell phone bill to arrive! Here are six ways to protect yourself.
Paul @ The Frugal Toad @ The Frugal Toad writes Why Long-Term Care Insurance Should Be a Part of Your Retirement Plan – Discussing long-term care is one thing, but buying a policy for long-term care insurance is another. Here are some factors that will need to be considered when looking for coverage.
Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes Lazy Man’s 2012 Holiday Gift Guide – It’s that time of year again… time for my gift guide. As usual, I hope you’ll find these products add a lot of value to your life.
Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Starting from Rock Bottom: Vital Steps to Take When Rebuilding Your Financial Foundation – Regardless of how bad your foundation may appear right now, you need to keep in mind that it is not too late to turn things around. There are several key steps that need to be taken to get off to a great start.
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes Roth IRA Conversion? Better Wait and See – I know that most folks don’t take a generational view of wealth management, and that it is somehow frowned upon by Americans, but I want my kids and grandkids to have a leg up and if I can help with that, I intend to do so. However, it sounds like using a stretch Roth IRA won’t be a way to do it so it’s back to the drawing board for me.
Jon Haver @ Pay My Student Loans writes How to Pay Off Student Loans Fast – In order to make money (which is, after the purpose for being in business), lenders charge interest on the amount you borrow, called the principal. The principal plus the interest is the total amount of the loan.
Irfan @ Everything About Investment writes Credit Scores: Everything You Need to Know on Scoring System and How to Improve Them – It is no secret to anybody who has ever required a loan from a lending institution that one of the determining factors is a good credit score. Credit scores generally depend on the system the lending institution uses for evaluation, and sometimes the rates may differ but one thing is sure: if you have one very good score from one of the reporting agencies, your loan is almost 100% guaranteed and no financial institution will reject your application.
Justin @ Root of Good writes 11 Tips To Finish The Year Strong – Don’t make a huge financial mistake by ignoring these 11 things you have to do before 2013 comes to a close.
Alice @ Hurricanes, Panties & Dollars writes The pterodactyl retirement plan – An interesting conversation, a plan to trap a pterodactyl and waking back up in the real world. Plus a fun, catchy video and perhaps a little talk about retirement.
JC @ Passive-Income-Pursuit writes Net Worth Update – November 2013 – After November’s net worth increase I’m approaching $500k in assets and I’ve already passed my revised net worth goal for the year. The journey to this point has been truly amazing and looking at the chart shows what the combination of a high savings rate and determination can yield.
Joshua Rodriguez @ CNA Finance writes Common Credit Score Myths You Shouldn’t Fall Prey To – Credit score myths are all over the place. The sad thing is, consumers fall prey to them and wonder why their credit isn’t getting any better. Learn the 3 most popular credit score myths and the truth behind them here!
Christina @ MyLifeInsurance101 writes Variable Universal Life Insurance Pros and Cons – Learn about the pros and cons of variable universal life insurance? By comparing the flexible premiums, investment options, and tax advantages, you can determine if universal life insurance is the best type of coverage for your family.
Jim @ Critical Financial writes Create A Second Income Or Business To Fund Your Health Insurance Premium – Back in September of 2012, the Kaiser Foundation reported that the average employer sponsored health insurance premium was $15,475 for a family of four. That’s an average of nearly $1,300 per month, or roughly the size of a modest house payment.
Michelle @ See Debt Run writes Letting Go: How to Sell Kids Clothing – Our kids clothing contains so many memories, it can he hard to let go. When you finally do decide that its time to sell kids clothing, here are some tips
Betsy Muse @ ConsumerFu writes How to Hire a Broker – There are a number of questions you should ask before hiring a broker. Keep these in mind to help guide you through the process.
Track All Your Accounts With Personal Capital

Money Soldiers @ Money Soldiers writes I Am Changing – I am changing. I am becoming a trader and I like it. I will continue to change and become a millionaire.
Thanks for hosting this and including my article!!!!
Aw thanks for making me an editor’s pick Harry! 😀 Merry Christmas!
Wait, what?! I need to talk to my editor! Haha jk, Merry Xmas to you too 🙂
Thanks for inclusion and hosting, I really appreciate it.
Great collection of articles Harry! Thanks for hosting and including us!
Thanks for mentioning my link!
Thanks much for the mention!
Thanks for hosting and including my article!
Have a great holiday!!!
Thanks for including MonicaOnMoney! I really appreciate the support 🙂