By the end of the year, all of our resolutions to be better and save more money are usually broken. Emergencies, parties, and unexpected surprises all conspire to drain our willpower and our bank accounts, if we’re not careful.

Bad Financial Habits
1. Not Saving
How to Break This Habit
2. Making Minimum Payments
How to Break This Habit
3. Not Rewarding Yourself
Saving for an emergency or for retirement is definitely a reward in itself, but sometimes saving regularly over a long period of time can get boring. If you’re never enjoying your hobbies, family, or occasionally splurging on yourself, it makes it easier for you to just regularly splurge. You want to “reward yourself”, after all, so instead of saving it for something you really care about, you just mindlessly make purchases here and there. This reduces how much you end up saving, then you feel guilty for “wasting” money.
How to Break This Habit
Create a savings jar or account for things that matter to you. They don’t have to be huge, expensive things, like a trip to London or Disneyworld (although they can be, if that motivates you!) They can be smaller things, like that camping trip or a new kayak.
Whatever it is, make sure part of your savings goes toward rewarding yourself for being so diligent. All work and no fun isn’t a very good way to live your life, and you want to enjoy your time with family throughout the year. With a dedicated savings goal, you won’t be tempted to spend on frivolous things.
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What are your bad financial habits, and how have you broken them? If you haven’t broken them yet, how do you plan on working on them in the new year?
We lived beyond our means for years. We broke that habit once we got organized with a budget. agreed it’s important to have a little “fun money” in your budget to help keep you motivated.
Brian, I’m so glad you see the importance of fun money, too! In moderation, it’s so worth it to have some fun money to spend. You can go on a nicer date, finally see a movie, go camping, etc.
What a great article, it’s so true that NOT SAVING is huge with just about everyone. I think it’s funny that people are so used to just spending and then when they want to go on a huge trip they are able to save the money in a matter of months to do so. To me why not save some of that money all the time and then when you want to go on a trip you don’t have to sacrifice so much for a short time because you only sacrificed a little all the time.
Exactly! Also, you won’t have to stress during your trip, worrying about how much everything costs and how much into debt you’re going. Saving throughout the year relieves a lot of that type of stress.
Well damn, I never realized that not rewarding myself was a habit that needed breaking. I’ll get right on that! 😉