I don’t know about you, but when the weather outside goes from cold and dreary to sunny, it inspires me. It makes me want to spring clean my home inside and out (although I’m a bit behind on that right now, but don’t judge!).
But when it comes to cleaning and updating, you might forget to include your office. Yet, whether it is inside your home or elsewhere, workspaces occasionally need to be overhauled too.
At the same time, not everyone has a ton of money to get all new furniture, computers, printers, etc. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t make small, inexpensive changes to energize your workspace.
How to Energize Your Workspace
Update Lighting
Lighting is one inexpensive way to energize your workspace when nicer whether arrives. If you have windows, one way is to simply open the blinds or curtains and let in the natural light.
Did you know sunshine can help you destress and fight the blah’s? According to a post by Time, sunlight is good for you and helps to fight seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Although SAD doesn’t impact all workers, extra sunshine can still benefit most everyone.
If you don’t have a window nearby, try adding an extra lamp. Or, replace your overhead lighting with something brighter to make your space less gloomy.
Often, when setting up a home office, whatever lighting is already in existence is what is used. But simply changing one or two fixtures can improve lighting, perk up your space, and cost you less than $100.
Turn on Music
Not all work environments will allow you to play music. In fact, in some offices, it’s not only inappropriate but downright rude to others. Nevertheless, if you work where music is welcomed, try adding some tunes to energize your workspace.
Putting on music can lift your spirits, get you pumped up, and lower your stress levels. It’s a small change that doesn’t cost anything but can make you work faster and harder. You’ll likely find you get more done which can equal more money in your pocket.
Add Scent
Once again, you should consider other people before you add scent to your work environment. But if they’re agreeable, or you work alone, scent is another great way to energize your workspace.
Try using a diffuser or a candle, as long as it doesn’t violate any fire codes where you work. Some of the best uplifting scents to try are mint or citrus. If you like to play with scents a little, try combining spearmint with grapefruit.
Believe it or not, making this small inexpensive change can brighten your mood and help you get more done.
Bring in Plants
Have you ever thought about including some greenery in your office décor? As long as it doesn’t cause anyone nearby to experience allergy issues, plants can make a space feel cheery.
Check with your local greenhouse to see what is available for the season. Or, bring a plant from home to your office environment.
Switch Out Photos
If you keep photos of family members in your office, when was the last time you switched them out for current ones? Updating them is another cheap way to energize your workspace.
You don’t have to go to a professional photographer to do it, either. Just snap a few pictures with your phone and take them to be processed at a nearby discount store, like Walmart. Then put them in a frame you already own.
Declutter and Clean
Just like spring cleaning at home or fall home improvement, at times your office space needs attention. Grab some cleaning supplies and dust your desk. Clean computer screens, photos, and other surfaces and then vacuum or sweep and mop the floors.
As you clean, don’t forget to also clear clutter. Get your filing done and updated, shred documents that need to be destroyed, and put away items left out.
Clearly, there are lots of inexpensive ways you can energize your workspace. Creating a nicer, more pleasing workspace can increase your productivity and save you money in the long run.
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When was the last time you energized your workspace? What will you do now to energize it?
Thanks. These tips for energizing the workspace are really helpful. 🙂
I couldn’t agree more! Although I should definitely be more proactive, having a clean and clear workspace helps me keep focused.
Thanks, Jeanne, for the tips – especially the tip on switching out the photos – very helpful!
You bet. Making your work space pleasant so you can be more productive doesn’t have to cost a ton. You just need to spruce it up occasionally.
These tips for energizing the workspace are really great. I know this is not a SEO topic, but it would really help in a stressful environment. Thank you for sharing! I will share this to my team!
Thanks! Having a good working environment can help with productivity and in a roundabout way, translate into earning a higher income! 🙂
Thanks Jeanne,
I’ve done most of these and they do work, but I never thought of swapping out older pictures for newer ones? But I definitely see the benefit in freshening things up on a regular basis.
Great share!
Freshening things up every so often can help you want to be in that space. Therefore, you’ll work more, be more productive, and get more done when you’re in your workspace when it’s clean, bright, neat, and has nice decor. 🙂