I decided not to write a Valentine’s Day article this year since they’re pretty ubiquitous around the web right now. But if you’d like to read about some ways to save money on Valentine’s Day, check out my article from last year. I love celebrating Valentine’s Day, but I definitely do it my own way. There’s no way I’m taking my fiancee out for dinner on Valentine’s Day in order to pay a ton of money at an over-crowded restaurant, that sounds even worse than Restaurant Week doesn’t it?
We’ll probably celebrate Valentine’s Day by making a nice dinner together and just enjoying each other’s company. I never spend more than $20 on flowers and I’ve found the best deals at Costco and Whole Foods. We’ll probably still go out to dinner, but not on Valentine’s Day. Here are some of my favorite articles from around the web:
Valentine’s Day Articles
Cat’s Valentine’s Day plans sound just like mine and she’s hosting a $500 cash giveaway.
I love spending money with Amazon, and it helps that I got it all at 20% off. But Chris has found a way to save even more money on his Amazon purchases.
Mr. CBB really breaks down his budget for January and it’s pretty cool to see exactly how all his expenses break down. Looks like it takes a lot of time to stay that organized too.
I feel exactly the same way as Holly at Club Thrifty! In the past two years, I’ve refinanced twice and applied(and been accepted!) for over 12 credit cards in that time. What is the point of a great credit score if you never use it?
I didn’t have a ton of luck trying to sell my old car on the internet but Christopher has some good ideas about how to sell a car over the internet.
I know a lot of people are worried about identity theft these days and I get a lot of questions about it to my inbox so I thought I’d share this article from Mrs. Pops about how her identity got stolen.
One of the things I love most about blogging is that you can work on your own time. I don’t think I’ll ever go full-time like some others have but the freedom it provides sounds pretty awesome. I think Savvy Scot feels the same way.
No matter how much money you make, the one thing we all have that’s equal is time. Jay shares his feelings on the worth of time this week.
Daisy just got a new kitchen and now she loves to cook! I also love to cook but my kitchen size hasn’t really mattered too much, although I’m never going to live in another place without a dishwasher. That is a deal breaker for me!
Real Estate
I’m all for any article that recommends investing in real estate. The housing market is really starting to heat up, I even had a realtor over the other day to see what he though my place is worth(he estimated it could sell for 20% higher than what I paid 3 years ago).
Carnival Mentions
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Thanks for the mention mate. I didn’t get a ping it was traffic that alerted me to your post. The budget post does take time to put together each month but it’s worth it as I love to see the numbers. Have a great weekend! Cheers
Hey no problem bud. I use Mint to track my budget but once in a while I’ll do everything on paper or in excel if I want to see where I’m leaking money. Definitely a cool breakdown.
Thanks for the mention, Harry! Have a great weekend =)
Thanks a lot for the mention Harry. I am just like you I always get flowers for under $20. I usually go to the grocery store. They are just as nice and don;t cost $40+.
Yea once in a while I’ll get delivery if I can combine some type of groupon and free shipping but you don’t see those deals every year. There used to be this guy on the side of the road that I would buy flowers from every year but now that I moved away I just go to Costco 🙂
Wow, selling your condo for 20% more than what you paid 3 years ago would be pretty sweet!! Mine appraised for about 4% higher than my purchase price when I refinanced in December, about six months after purchase. Prices definitely seem to be on the up around here, so I’m glad I bought in when I did.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Yea there is actually a very comparable listing in my building for $375k right now(I paid 280k). I don’t think it will sell for that much but I’m very curious to see what happens to it.
cheers for the mention dude 🙂
I agree about not going out to dinner for V-Day – my date and I went to a restaurant where the tables were so close together that we were practically sitting next to other couples (and we made conversation with them, so it felt like a group date). I did think an creative date move was going to a drive-in in Santee (plus you get to watch two movies for the price of one!).
Haha yea we had a similar experience. On Valentine’s Day, you have to make a reservation way in advance, pay more than normal since all the nice places tend to have a fixed menu, extra crowded restaurant and below average service. Why do people do this?? I’m so confused, why wouldn’t you just go out the next night, it’s so much better haha
I like your drive-in idea though, that sounds like a lot of fun and you get to bring all your own snacks.