As we turn the corner and head into the holiday season, paying for gifts, travel, and food is often a stress factor for families. Numerous American families go into debt for Christmas expenses. Planning will save you stress and money going into the new year. This article will help you think of some ways to […]
Spending with Purpose: How to Take Control of Your Finances
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that staying on top of your finances isn’t something that’s done only in January or before Christmas. Instead, you must diligently watch over your finances at all times if you want to stick to a budget and not overspend.
5 Self-Care Items and Extras I Won’t Do Without
One of the common tactics of sticking to a tight budget is tracking your spending. It’s a great way to get a good look at what you’re actually spending. If you notice that your spending is getting out of whack, you can make changes to get back on track. That way you won’t go over […]
5 Gifting Strategies to Avoid Buyer’s Remorse in January
I’ve pretty much gotten all of my Christmas gifting wrapped up. Ok, so not all of the presents are actually wrapped and under the tree. But I have at least purchased, or made, most of the things I’ll be giving as gifts this year. Now that my kids are adults, they get fewer gifts from […]
Best Uses for an End of Year Bonus
I used to work for a business that gave out end of year bonuses every year. Granted, some years it was a lawn chair, umbrella, or a blanket displaying the company name. But some years the bonus every employee received was monetary. Whenever the bonus was money I usually hung onto it until I figured […]
Roommate Battles: When Money Comes Between You
I remember when I first went away from home to college all the way across the state. I was married, so my “roommate” was actually my husband. We shared everything, including the money in our joint checking and savings accounts.
5 Ways You Spend More Because of Stress
I don’t know about you, but from time to time I get stressed. For me it happens when I have lots to do in a short period of time.
How Much Is Your Time Worth?
In my last post, I covered the 4 ways to get free moving boxes. I was so pleased with myself, having already asked coworkers (still a great idea!) and having saved boxes throughout the year in anticipation of our move. However, you don’t need boxes just to pack things you’re moving. Oh no… you need […]
Why You Need to Fight Lifestyle Inflation
After graduating from college, or moving out of your parents’ house and into your own place, it’s easy and sometimes necessary to increase your lifestyle. After all, eating ramen every single day is affordable, but not healthy. Upgrading your food budget to incorporate fruits and vegetables may be a little more expensive at first, but […]
How We’re Travel Hacking Our Way to Peru in April 2015
For me, there is really no greater feeling than traveling for free. I tell people the places we’ve stayed and the flights we’ve taken, all for next to nothing and I’m pretty sure a majority of them think I’m full of it. But I always tell people that you should give every single thing in […]
Lessons Learned from My First Yard Sale
I’ve always been a bargain hunter but at the same time I’ve never felt that just because something is on sale does that mean it’s a great deal. A lot of times people like to say it was half off but if the original price was a rip-off then you may still be getting ripped […]
Is Our Gift Giving Culture Out of Control?
Both my sister-in-law and nephew have birthdays at the end of July. My nephew had his first birthday last summer, and I could not believe the amount of crap presents he was given from friends and family members. I’m not trying to be a big old Scrooge. He’s a cute kid and obviously well-loved by many. […]
Do You Pay With Cash or Credit Cards?
Most of the credit card articles on this site have to do with the points and miles you can accumulate by signing up for various cards and spending on daily purchases. But one of the first things I recommend to someone struggling with their spending is to get rid of their cards and start paying […]
How We Live Well on Less
My husband and I live a frugal lifestyle, and we do so by choice. We don’t put much value into material possessions, and instead we focus on the more fulfilling things in life. I’m routinely amazed that more people don’t make the choice to live more simple, yet more satisfying lives by not worrying about […]
Four Productive, Fulfilling Alternatives to Boredom Spending
One of the biggest spending traps people of all income levels need to watch out for is boredom spending. It’s too easy to make this kind of spending into a habit, as we often use it as a way to deal with negative feelings or circumstances. We resort to unnecessary spending not only when we’re […]
Burn Your Idols: You Don’t Need Financial Gurus
You can’t walk into a bookstore at the beginning of the year without seeing self-improvement, health and fitness, and “new year, new you!” books on displays plunked down right in front of the door. At our local Barnes & Noble, a table full of these kinds of books is literally about four feet from the […]