Many people these days are working hard to improve their financial situations. Of course, there’s more than one way you can accomplish that.
You can reduce debt, budget wisely, and increase your income. When trying to increase your income, one way to do it is to improve your productivity in your job.
Start at Home
One of the best ways to be more productive and make more money is to start at home. When your home is a wreck it’s certainly harder to “be at work” all the way when you’re physically at work.
Your mind may wander to what you’ll make for supper or how you’ll have time to get the dishes done. Instead of working you’ll get distracted by all that’s waiting for you when you get off work.
So, to be more productive and make more money at work, use these ideas:
1. Get Organized
Get through any mail, bills, or papers that are lying around at home. Do your laundry, dishes and cleaning.
If you need to, ask a friend, partner, or spouse for help, especially if you have small kids. Once you get organized at home you’ll be fully present at work. That will help you be more productive so you can make more money through raises and promotions.
2. Prepare Each Night
Every evening at home, get into a routine that will help you be more productive at work. Choose and gather clothing for yourself and other family members for the next day.
Do you take lunch with you to work or make lunches for your kids? If so, make them the night before to make your morning so faster and smoother. Then all you’ll have to do the next day is grab them on the way out the door.
3. Get Plenty of Rest
Another way to be more productive so you can make more money at work is to get plenty of rest. When you are well rested you’ll work faster and complete more work throughout the day.
What to Do at Work
There are lots of things you can do to be more productive while at work too.
4. End the Day Preparing
At the close of each day, review your calendar and what you need to do tomorrow. This enables you to prepare for early morning meetings and appointments so you don’t arrive late.
It only takes a moment or two to scan your calendar for the next day. But it can make a world of difference to your whole day tomorrow.
5. Make a Task List
When you make a task list at work it helps you remember to do important projects. Keeping a running list helps you work faster, be more productive, and in the end, make more money.
You’ll spend less time trying to remember all you need to do and more time doing. It also allows you to add to the list and remove things from the list as they are completed.
6. Establish a Routine
Believe it or not, the simple act of establishing a routine will help you be more productive at work.
Begin by reading emails and texts as well as listening to phone messages in the morning. Check all forms of communication and then move on to other important tasks. If you have trouble getting this done quickly, set a timer to help you get to a stopping point.
Once you get your morning pattern established, move on to other time blocks in your day. The more routines you create the more productive you will become.
7. Don’t Look at Social Media
One of the worst time wasters and bad habits many people have these days is social media. Therefore, to be more productive and make more money at work, stay away from it.
Put your phone in a drawer or across the room. Or, put it in the next room so you aren’t tempted to check it every 5 minutes.
Certainly many of us are trying to improve our financial situations these days. But sometimes to make more money you need to be more productive. Use these tips to help you accomplish both your productivity and money goals.
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Dave Fin says
Hi Jeanne,
What a fantastic post. I found it most rewarding, especially the section that I can relate too the most, #7 – Don’t Look At Social Media.
This is a difficult one but I totally agree, people these days and the kids, need to pay attention here mostly. It really is the biggest distraction and excuse for many people’s failures…There have been many times in the family that important issues needed to be addressed but social media took a firm grip…
But yeah, plenty of rest and a well organised plan can soon turn things around for anyone.
Thanks again, Jeanne, and I wish you all the best.
Jeanne says
Thanks for your comments. Yes, social media is very distracting to most of us. I’ve gotten to where I spend a lot less time scrolling through social media than I used to. It helps me get more done by ignoring it, for the most part. I do indulge occasionally, though – probably once or twice a week now instead of several times a day. 🙂
Apichet says
You are right about the comment on social media. It can be a great distraction.
On another note, many Thai people do enjoy social media. However, a lot of them are starting to use it for marketing and commercial purposes. Some of them even depend on sites like Facebook and Instagram for their business income.
Jeanne says
Absolutely! Many people in the U.S. use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites in their businesses for advertising and making money as well. That’s a good point!