Many people need to get a loan now and then for lots of different reasons. It could be to help out in a financial emergency. Or, maybe it’s simply to try and turn your finances around.
8 Ways to Make Money Before Summer is Over
Where I live, in the spring we can still get (and usually do!) a big blizzard in April. Of course, for many other areas of the country, April is much too warm for snow.
How to Be More Productive and Make More Money
Many people these days are working hard to improve their financial situations. Of course, there’s more than one way you can accomplish that.
4 Reasons Not to Give Up on Financial Goals in Summer
I must confess I am not sure just where the time has gone this year. It seems like the last I knew it was January and then all of a sudden it’s June.
5 Ways You Spend More Because of Stress
I don’t know about you, but from time to time I get stressed. For me it happens when I have lots to do in a short period of time.
How Switching Jobs Can Hurt Your Budget
Lots of times switching jobs is exciting. You may get to meet new people and learn some new skills. In addition, you might be glad to leave behind a job where there were ill feelings.
8 Reasons Graduates Need to Watch Their Budgets
Once you graduate from college you may feel a sense of relief. No doubt part of that relief is due to the idea that your studying days are over.
How to Keep Your Cool in Summer Heat
Now that Mother’s Day has passed and school is nearly out, summer is around the corner. As much as I love summer, I must confess I don’t necessarily love the heat that comes with it. The other part of summertime I don’t like is having higher bills from trying to keep cool. If you have […]
Budgeting When Your Income Fluctuates
Having a monthly budget to follow can really help if you struggle with your finances. It keeps you accountable for your spending by reminding you of all your monthly monetary obligations. But imagine if your budget were to get blown out of the water because your paycheck got skipped. How would you keep your bills […]
5 Ways to Keep Summer Camp Fees Down
Summer is fast approaching which means school lessons will soon be at an end. Kids will excitedly make their escapes from cramped classrooms for the last time until next fall. For the first few days they’ll likely be busy burning off excess pent up energy. Still, within a short time, some will inevitably mutter the […]
How to Invest While You Are Still In College (or Just After Graduation)
One of the things I remember best about being in college is having very little money. Although that was quite a few years ago I don’t think much has changed on that front. In fact, it’s a pretty common condition for most college students now days. Obviously there are exceptions to this rule though. Students […]
5 Tips to Help You Buy the Best House for Your Budget
Where I live, just two days ago we were experiencing some pretty rough winter weather. However, today it was warmer and you’d never have known the storm had ever happened. In fact, the birds were singing earlier reminding me that even warmer days will soon arrive. On the heels of the warm weather will be […]
Should You Hold Out for a Promotion or Move On?
Staying at one job for your whole career isn’t as common as it used to be. Changing jobs is sometimes a way of moving up the ladder. It’s what I did several years ago to advance to a higher position and pay. But sometimes it doesn’t pay to change employers. Making that decision can be […]
Take a Trip without Paying to Stay
If you’ve ever heard other’s talk about taking a fabulous cheap vacation it may have made you jealous. In fact, I wouldn’t blame you a bit if you were. But that shouldn’t prevent you from taking one of your own. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to take trips more often because you’re staying for free? You […]
Why Diversify Your Investments?
Most of us have heard the saying that you shouldn’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Of course, we also know what the saying means. If all of your eggs are in one basket and it is accidently crushed, you will lose all the eggs. However, if you put them in more than […]
What to Do When Your Debt is Taking Over
When your debt is keeping you up at night and consuming your every thought it’s time to make some changes. Getting your finances back on track won’t be easy, but you will be happier and less stressed once you do. Nevertheless, you’ve got a long road ahead until you see light at the end of […]
Don’t Count on Luck to Improve Your Finances
It’s probably not a stretch of the truth to assume that many people have financial difficulties occasionally. Of course, for some people it happens more often than others. But one thing that doesn’t help is counting on luck to improve your finances. For most of us there is no pot of gold at the end […]
4 Monetary Benefits of Having Friends
As I worked on my computer this morning, my husband and our good friends worked cattle. My husband taught their kids how to show their steers for the fair this summer. In turn, they helped us plant new windbreak trees on our farm later in the afternoon. Today’s give and take among friends got me […]
How to Help Your Budget Using Social Media
Most people use some type of social media app on a daily basis. When you’re on the go you likely see them rapidly pecking away on smart phones or other electronic devices. In fact, you may even be one of them. I must admit that I am. I like to use social media to catch […]
Negative Impacts Friends and Family Could Have on Your Spending
Peer pressure isn’t something that only affects teenagers. It may be more subtle, but it affects adults too. In fact, if you pay close attention you can feel it in your relationships with friends, coworkers, and family members. If the peer pressure is great enough you may not be able to resist the temptation to […]