With the changing of the season I thought I would talk about how gardening can be for health and wealth! Earlier this year I wrote about inflation and food shortages. One of the ways I talked about combating food shortage was through raising your own food. Here some more thoughts on the benefits of gardening. […]
Saving Money While Planning For Death
We all enjoy saving money in different areas of life, death is not different. Last year I wrote this article about what to do when the unexpected happens. Today I wanted to extend this idea with saving money in general with someone dies. It is a hard topic to consider, but at some point we […]
The New Generation of the Internet
The new generation of money is in cryptocurrency, but what about the new generation of the internet? How will it impact the financial world? Certainly there will be aspects that are improved from the technology as well as drawbacks.
Spring Break Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank
Spring break season is well upon us and we might be changing our mind about those traveling plans with how high the price of gas has gone up within the last month. If this is you, here are some last minute ideas to help you save a buck and salvage your vacation time.
New FX Guide Helps Beginners Make Sense of The Currency World
The Foreign Exchange market, also known as FX or FX market, allows banks, investors and individuals to buy, sell or exchange currencies. As the most extensive and complex financial market in the world, the daily trading volume for forex has crossed $ 6 trillion. The Forex market comprises of investment management firms, commercial companies, banks, […]
Saving Money On Kid’s Activities
Kid activities don’t just stop when the summer ends and school begins. Often they just shift what activities they are doing and the time at which they do them. With the holidays coming down the line quickly, saving money is a good idea. Before you enroll your children into something new this fall, consider these […]
First-Time Buyers: Use These 10 Tips for Buying Your First Home
The thought of becoming a homeowner can make you feel a whole lot of emotions: anticipation, excitement, worry, and a sense of being overwhelmed. On top of all these emotions, you’re probably stressing about where to even start! We have 10 tips that’ll help you take the leap and buy your first home.
Saving Money On Fuel
Since the election, we have seen an increase of prices at the pump. Both diesel and unleaded are headed upward with little relief in sight. The average mileage in the US in 2018 was 13,500 miles per year. I’m sure this has changed since the start of Covid with people choosing to stay home and […]
Quick Tips for Improving Your Financial Image
This post is sponsored by Lexington Law Firm! Thank you! It’s companies like this that allows us to keep this website running. The internet is a land of many wonders, but it’s gotten so big, that unless you already know what you’re looking for, finding something new and useful can be a daunting task.
5 Things to Splurge On For Your Car
With an average commute time of 25 minutes, one way, in the US, it’s clear many of us spend a lot of time in our cars. For big cities like LA, you might be spending an hour or more in your car during your round-trip commute – and forget it if there’s a crash on […]
Affordable Ways to Prevent Holiday Theft
During the holidays, you may be one of the many people who prefer online shopping to in-store shopping. After all, why fight the traffic and potentially have your item sold out when you could just order online and get the exact thing you want, delivered straight to your doorstep? Unfortunately, thieves have caught on that […]
Setting Goals that Get Results
The ability to set and achieve goals is a tremendous predictor of your success. After all, if you can’t articulate how you’re going to achieve what you want, do you think it will just happen by magic? Very little success in life is attributed to haphazard luck – and if you’re successful by accident, you’re […]
Would You Move to Save More Money?
When we talk about reducing our cost of living, we usually talk in terms of moving closer to work to reduce transportation costs, or downsizing to cut housing costs. However, one thing not often discussed is moving to live where it’s cheaper. While this not be possible for some, many of us could probably do […]
Reader Question: What to do With My Company’s Stock Options
I got a very interesting question in my inbox last week from a friend. And to be honest, I had to do a little research before I could give him a good answer. I’ve never worked for a company with options (or been high enough up to receive them) but they are a pretty nice […]
What’s the Best Fix for a Broken iPhone 5 Screen?
So you pull into a parking spot, take your seat belt off and start to get out of the car when you suddenly remember your phone is still on your lap. But it’s too late, the soft thud of your phone hitting the ground is a sound that I’m all too familiar with. Back when […]
My New HSA Provider: Eli Lilly Federal Credit Union
Update(4/21/14): ElfCU now charges a $24 wire transfer fee for transferring your money from ElfCU to TDA. Update(5/28/14): ElfCU now charges a $3 monthly account fee if you don’t hold at least $2,500 in the savings account. Still the best option in my opinion though. Last year I wrote an article about how to rollover […]
6 Things To Consider When Setting Up a Home Office
The following article is a guest post. If interested in submitting a guest post, please read my guest posting policy and then contact me. Setting up a business is no easy task especially when you are in a shoestring budget because there are major expenses that you have to pay attention to such as rental fees. There […]
The 7-Step Guide For Getting Out of Debt
Believe it or not, a full 50% of households in the United States have credit card debt to the tune of $14,000 or more. The average American household credit card debt as of November 2013 was $7,123. These people are still in line at the movie theater, buying lattes and getting deliveries from Amazon. The vast majority […]
Manilla Review 2014
Update(5/11/14): Manilla will be shutting down on July 1, 2014. Manilla is a web site that offers customers the ability to manage and organize their lives all in one place—it gives customers the opportunity get rid of the separate day planner, budget planner, and other management tools to keep your life in line. Manilla.com aims […]